Augustine (Lawrence) Bradley
M, #3001, b. 1745, d. 15 December 1832
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Augustine (Lawrence) Bradley was born in 1745.1 He married Elizabeth Lillard, daughter of Benjamin Lillard and Elizabeth Lightfoot, in 1768.
Augustine (Lawrence) Bradley died on 15 December 1832.1
; "Captain" per Ralph E. Lillard (see source).
Heinrich gives first name as Lawrence (Heinrich Family History.)1
Augustine (Lawrence) Bradley died on 15 December 1832.1
; "Captain" per Ralph E. Lillard (see source).
Heinrich gives first name as Lawrence (Heinrich Family History.)1
Family | Elizabeth Lillard b. 1745, d. 1787 |
Child |
- [S395] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet rec'd 2 April 1994" (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), pp. 1323. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
Sarah Lillard
F, #3002
Father | Benjamin Lillard b. 1700, d. 1781 |
Mother | Elizabeth Lightfoot b. 1701 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Sarah Lillard was born at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.1
; Heinrich gives "Augustine BRADLEY" as spouse of Sarah, rather than Elizabeth (Heinrich Family History.)1
; Heinrich gives "Augustine BRADLEY" as spouse of Sarah, rather than Elizabeth (Heinrich Family History.)1
- [S395] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet rec'd 2 April 1994" (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
Col. Francis Moore
M, #3003
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Family | |
Child |
- [S396] Ralph E. Lillard, "unknown title" (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr.
M, #3004, b. 1740, d. between 6 November 1828 and 25 June 1829
Father | Benjamin Lillard b. 1700, d. 1781 |
Mother | Elizabeth Lightfoot b. 1701 |
Last Edited | 24 Apr 2015 |
Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr. was born in 1740 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.1 He married Frances "Franky" Crow, daughter of James Crow Sr. and Elizabeth (?), on 27 April 1774 at at the Old Glebe, near Bethels Meeting House, Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA,
; from Shirley Edillon (, email dated 14 Dec 2000:
Frances "Franky" CROW and Benjamin LILLARD were married 27 April 1774 (which differs from your date)at the Glebe in Culpeper County near Bethels Meeting House by Parson Heidsman according to a deposition (22 Sep 1836) of Daniel CROW.
To my knowledge, Mrs. Elizabeth HENSLEY and Benjamin LILLARD never married and certainly not 1785 as their eldest child is Mary "Polly" Lillard was born 16 November 1786 and married Augustine BRADLEY, Jr. There are many suits filed by Frances Crow Lillard's children that support this. Mrs. Elizabeth Hensley had a Tailor's shop per testimony.2,3 Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr. married Elizabeth Hensley circa 1785
; probably never actually married.
Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr. died between 6 November 1828 and 25 June 1829 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA.1
(an unknown value.)1 (an unknown value.)1
; Benjamin Lillard was a Captain in the Revolutionary War, commanding a militia company of men from Culpeper County, Virginia. His brother, Captain John Lillard, also commanded a militia company in the War. Records of the activities of militia units during the Revolution are scarce, but some insight can be gained to the service of Captain Benjamin Lillard from various extant sources.
It is known that Capt. Lillard and his command were active in the War in late 1780 and during nearly all of 1781. One of the men in Captain's Lillard's command was John Breedlove who stated in his pension application that he was drafted in October or November, 1780 for six months service in the company commanded by Captain Benjamin Lillard, part of the regiment of Colonel Glenn and Colonel Lucas in the army commanded by General Edward Stevens. ("Revolutionary War Pension Application of John Breedlove," Pension No. S. 2102, as abstracted in, John Frederick Dorman, Virginia Revolutionary Pension Applications, Vol. Ten, (Washington, D.C: n.p., 1965), pp. 3-4. Hereinafter cited as, John Breedlove Pension Abstract; Dorman, Revolutionary Pension Applications.) The British General, Lord Cornwallis, commanded the opposing British Army in the south. During this campaign, Captain Lillard's unit was probably present when the Americans under General Greene fought several engagements with the British in the Carolinas.
John Breedlove stated that the unit marched from, "Culpeper County to Hillsborough and Charlotte, N. C., by way of Salisbury, and from Charlotte to Cheraw Hills, S.C., and then retreating into Virginia, closely pursued by Lord Cornwallis."1033 On January 17, 1781, infantry under General Greene defeated a detachment of the British force at the Battle of Cowpens, capturing cannon, eight hundred prisoners and a British baggage train. (James Thomas Flexner, George Washington: In the American Revolution (1775-1783) (Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1967), p. 420.)
After the battle, the main British force under Cornwallis which was of superior size pursued the Americans, who were laden with the captured items, into Virginia. Although the Americans had inflicted defeat on a detachment of the British force, the subsequent retreat into Virginia was arduous. Fortunately, it rained during the countermarch and the swollen waters of the Dan and Yadkin Rivers provided a natural barrier to the pursuit by the enemy led by Lord Cornwallis. John Breedlove remembered fifty-one years later that he swam the Yadin River from bank to bank and that only "hard marching" and the rains saved General Greene's army. It is likely that Capt. Benjamin Lillard was present at subsequent engagements fought by General Stevens' army for a volunteer, Shadrack Barnes, stated that he volunteered in March, 1781 for three months service under a Captain Lillard. ("Revolutionary War Pension Application of Shadrack Barnes," as abstracted in, John Frederick Dorman, Virginia Revolutionary Pension Applications, Volume Four (Washington: n.p., 1960), pp. 94-95. Although the abstract, and probably the application itself, only identifies the company commander as "Capt. Lillard," it appears likely that this is Captain Benjamin Lillard, and not his brother, Captain John Lillard.)
It has been stated that Captain Benjamin Lillard and his company were present during the siege and surrender of Lord Cornwallis and his Army at Yorktown, Virginia.1 037 While it is certain that Captain Lillard's unit participated in the maneuvers leading up to the siege of Yorktown, his presence at the siege has not been established.
In the summer of 1781, the British believed that General Washington and the Continental Army, along with French allies, were planning to attack and capture New York City. This was in fact Washington's preference over a southern campaign. As a result, the stage was set for the Yorktown campaign by two developments. First, British General Dewitt ordered Cornwallis to send a portion of his force to reinforce New York, with Cornwallis to withdraw into Yorktown. During the summer of 1781, the British Army commanded by Cornwallis moved through Richmond, to Williamsburg, to Suffolk, Portsmouth, arriving in Yorktown in August. Second, the subsequent arrival in early September, 1781, in Chesapeake Bay of a large French fleet under Admiral de Grasse to support Washington's Army.1038
The statements of two men place Captain Lillard and his company in the American Army which shadowed Lord Cornwallis during these maneuvers leading to Yorktown. Thomas Hedger stated that he was drafted in the summer of 1781 for three months militia service under Capt. Benjamin Lillard, in Col. Slaughter's regiment in the brigade commanded by Gen. Edward Stevens. The command marched from Culpeper to "Moblin Hills" [probably Malvern Hills] below Richmond and stayed there about two weeks. He stated that, [F]rom there we marched to Richmond and joined the main Army at Richmond and from thence to King William County, towards where Lord Cornwallis lay and a short time before his defeat." Hedger indicated that he was discharged in King William County, having served three months. ("Revolutionary War Pension Application of Thomas Hedger," as abstracted in, Mrs. Carl W. McGhee, Historical Records of Harrodsburg (Mercer County) Formerly known as Old Crab Orchard. Lincoln County. Kentucky, Vol. I, Part I (no pub., no date), page 59, section 105.)
John Brown was drafted on July 15, 1781 and also served with Captain Lillard during the summer campaign, marching to Malvern Hills near Richmond. The siege of Yorktown began about September 30, and ended with the surrender of Lord Cornwallis and the British Army on October 19, 1781. Brown indicated he volunteered in a company raised by Major Long for "severe service" for "some weeks" on the lines, apparently at Yorktown. Brown's account does not indicate whether Captain Benjamin Lillard was with this unit, which was, [E]mployed in marching from place to place observing the movements of the enemy about York." He stated that he returned to the regiment and was discharged at Williamsburg on October 10, 1781. ("Revolutionary War Pension Application of John Brown," Pension No. S. 6735, as abstracted in, John Frederick Dorman, Virginia Revolutionary Pension Applications, Volume Eleven, (Washington: n.p., 1965), pp. 49-50.)
Benjamin Lillard was not only a soldier during the War, but he also demonstrated his patriotism by furnishing supplies to the Army. He evidently was a distiller for on October 13, 1780, he received five different commissary or commissioners certificates for over thirty-nine gallons of Brandy he furnished to the Colonial forces. (Public Service Claims, Court Booklets and Lists [Albermarle-Cumberland Counties], pp. 3, 4, 14 and 30; Microfilm Positive Reel No. 1, VSL&A.) Rather than wait until the end of the War to receive payment, he assigned these certificates to Joseph Strother, Jr.
After the Revolutionary War, Benjamin Lillard was commissioned a Justice of the Peace for Culpeper County. The commission of Capt. Benjamin Lillard was signed by Benjamin Harrison, one of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence. The commission states:
The Commonwealth of VIRGINIA
To ALL to whom these present Letters shall come Greeting.
KNOW YE, That our Governor on recommendation from the Court of the County of Culpeper, having, with advice of our Council of State, this day issued a Commission constituting and appointing James Browning and Benjamin Lillard, Gentlemen, Justices of the Peace in and for the said County, in addition to those then holding the said office, with authority to be of any Court of Oyer and Terminer to be held for the said County from time to time for the purpose of trying, condemning and executing, or otherwise punishing or acquitting, any slave committing a capital crime within the said County, of which said Court one of the said Commissioners heretofore appointed and now holding the said office shall be one.
In TESTIMONY whereof these our letters are made patent. Witness BENJAMIN HARRISON, Esquire, our said Governor at Richmond, on the 31st day of March, in the year of our Lord, 1783.
(seal of Virginia) BENJAMIN HARRISON.4
; At some point shortly after the War, Captain Benjamin Lillard left his wife, Frances (Crow) Lillard. He also executed the following deed of trust, which proved for many years to be the basis of a dispute between Benjamin Lillard, Frances (Crow) Lillard and the children he had by her (Lillard, pp. 300-302, citing, "Deed of Trust, Benjamin Lillard to Capt. John Strother and Thomas Lillard, Trustees,' Nov. 22, 1785, Culpeper County, VA, Deed Bk. N, p. 106.):
"22 Nov. 1785. This indenture in Tripartite made the Twenty Second day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Five Between Benjamin Lillard of the County of Culpeper and Commonwealth of Virginia of the first part, Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard of the County and Commonwealth aforesaid of the second part, and Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard and Mordecai Lillard (children of the said Benjamin Lillard) of the third part Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Lillard as well for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Pounds Specie to him in hand paid by the said Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and himself therewith fully satisfied & paid as for the natural love and affection he hath and bear to the said Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard Hath Bargained & Sold, Given and Transferred and by these presents so Grant Bargain & Sell Give & Confirm unto the sd Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their Heirs and assigns forever the following parcels of Land (to wit) the quantity of Twenty Acres whereon the s Benjamin Lillard formerly lived Lying in the County aforesaid on Pophams run adjoining to the Lands of John Seale & John Thomas and all that parcel of Land belonging to the sd Benjamin Lillard Lying on Rocky Run adjoining to the Land of Mary Champe, James Crow, Senr, and the aforesaid John Seale together with the following Slaves & Stocks of horses & Hogs and Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming & Plantings. (Viz') One negro man named Will, one woman named Nane one ditto named ditto & one Yallow Boy named Gabriel (son of Nane) and their increase one dark Bay horse about four feet nine inches high called Useless and one Bay ditto about four feet five inches high called Fidler two white sows and their increase three feather beds & Furniture Three Pewter dishes fifteen ditto plates Three ditto Basons Two large China Dishes Six ditto Plates. Three pots one Dutch oven one copper Tea Kettle one frying Pan three Chests two Tables half dozen chairs Three axes Three hoes two cases Knives & forks and two shovels Plows To have and to hold the said Lands, Slaves, horses & Hogs Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming to the sd Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their heirs and assigns forever to the following uses Intents and purposes and to and for no other use Inter-set or purpose whatsoever That is to say the Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their heirs and assigns shall have and hold the said lands, Slaves and their Increase horses & hogs Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming for the use and Benefit of them the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard until they shall respectively arrive to the age of majority or till they shall Respectively enter into the state of Matrimony That upon either of the childrens arriving to the age of Twenty-one years or enter marriage an equal Division as near as the nature of the case will admit of be made of the sd Slaves or their increase until the majority or Marriage of all the children or the Survivors of them and that in case either of the sd children shall die before he or she shall arrive to the age of majority or marry in that case his or her part shall Dissolve to and be vested in the survivor or survivors of them the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard their Heirs, Executors, Admrs & Assigns and in the case of the Death of the whole of the said children before they arrive to the age of majority and before either of them enter into the State of Matrimony then to the use and behoof of them the sd Benjamin Lillard or to the use and behoof of such person or persons as he shall by any writing under his hand and seal before two witnesses or by his last will and testament appoint and Direct and further it is hereby declared to be the true intent and meaning of the above Deed of Trust that until the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard shall arrive to the age of majority or shall enter into the State of Matrimony that he the sd Benjamin Lillard, if he remains alive, shall have the management and direction of the sd Lands, Slaves and their Increase, Stocks, Furniture, &c, and apply the profits arising from the sd Lands, Labours of the sd Slaves & Increase of the sd Stock to his own use or in any other manner as he shall judge most expedient and may at any time before the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard arrives to the age of majority or Marry Sell & Convey the whole or any part of the s Lands, Slaves and their Increase Stock Furniture or Utensils in fee simple and apply the money arising from such sale or sales as he shall think proper to make of the sd Lands, Slaves &c, to the purchase of other Lands, Slaves, Stocks or other Furniture of Equal value for the use of the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard anything herein contained notwithstanding. In Witness whereof he the sd Benjamin Lillard hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day and year above written."
(signed) Benjamin Lillard(L.S.)
Received of the within named Capt. John Strother and Thomas Lillard the sum of fifty pounds specie it being in full consideration the money within mentioned Deed.
(signed) Benjamin Lillard.
At a Court held for Culpeper County, 22nd Nov. 1785, This Indented Deed of Trust from Benjamin Lillard to John Strother & Thomas Lillard was acknowledged by the said Benjamin and ordered to be recorded.
Teste: John Jameson, C.C.
After Captain Benjamin Lillard left his wife Frances (Crow) Lillard, he lived with Elizabeth Hensley, a widow who had several children of her own by her deceased husband. She had a daughter Elizabeth Hensley and one named Polly Hensley, and possibly several others, some of whom are mentioned in some of the Lillard deeds or as witnesses to papers. In addition, Benjamin Lillard and Elizabeth Hensley had several children of their own, although they never married, and Capt. Benjamin Lillard never obtained a divorce from Frances (Crow) Lillard.
In addition to his work as a lawyer, Captain Benjamin Lillard was engaged in milling. In 1794 the County Court of Madison County made several legal grants or authorizations to operate mills: Samuel Rouse to build a mill on Stoney Run; Daniel Mauck to build a mill on Robinson River; Benjamin Lillard to build a mill on Hughes River; Christopher Dickens to build a mill on Robinson River; John Henshaw to build a mill on Deep Run; and Ephraim Fray to build a mill on Deep Run.1044
Even after Capt. Benjamin Lillard left and began living with Elizabeth Hensley, it was generally necessary for Benjamin Lillard to have Frances (Crow) Lillard sign deeds conveying property he acquired. The signature of Frances "Frankey" Lillard was necessary, if for no other reason, to extinguish any right of dower she might have in the property. Thus in 1797, Benjamin Lillard and Frances Lillard for L30 deeded thirty-six acres on Rocky Run in Madison County to her brother William Crow. 045 The deed was signed by Benjamin Lillard and Frankey Lillard. It was witnessed by Clara Lillard, George Thomas and Dennis Lillard.4
Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr. appeared in the census of 1810 at Culpeper, Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA; [NOTE: possibly this Benjamin Lillard]
p. 102, line 7
Name: Benja Lillard
Home in 1810 (City, County, State): Culpeper, Culpeper, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 : 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Numbers of Slaves: 1
Number of Household Members Under 16: 5
Number of Household Members Over 25: 2
Number of Household Members: 8.5
Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr. appeared in the census of 1810 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA; p. 395, line 8
Name: Benjamin Lillard
Home in 1810 (City, County, State): Madison, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Number of Household Members Over 25: 1
Number of Household Members: 1.6
Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr. appeared in the census of 7 August 1820 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA; p. 105, line 58
Name: Captain Benjamin Lillard
Home in 1820 (City, County, State): Madison, Virginia
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Slaves - Males - 45 and over: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 1
Free White Persons - Over 25: 1
Total Free White Persons: 1
Total Slaves: 1
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 2.7
Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr. left a will on 6 November 1828 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA; "Will of Benjamin Lillard", Nov. 6, 1828 (proved, June 25, 1829), Madison County, VA, Will Book 5, pp. 527-528, Microfilm Positive Reel No. 17, Virginia State Library and Archives, Will Book 1826-1831, pp. 257-258.8
; from Shirley Edillon (, email dated 14 Dec 2000:
Frances "Franky" CROW and Benjamin LILLARD were married 27 April 1774 (which differs from your date)at the Glebe in Culpeper County near Bethels Meeting House by Parson Heidsman according to a deposition (22 Sep 1836) of Daniel CROW.
To my knowledge, Mrs. Elizabeth HENSLEY and Benjamin LILLARD never married and certainly not 1785 as their eldest child is Mary "Polly" Lillard was born 16 November 1786 and married Augustine BRADLEY, Jr. There are many suits filed by Frances Crow Lillard's children that support this. Mrs. Elizabeth Hensley had a Tailor's shop per testimony.2,3 Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr. married Elizabeth Hensley circa 1785
; probably never actually married.
Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr. died between 6 November 1828 and 25 June 1829 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA.1
(an unknown value.)1 (an unknown value.)1
; Benjamin Lillard was a Captain in the Revolutionary War, commanding a militia company of men from Culpeper County, Virginia. His brother, Captain John Lillard, also commanded a militia company in the War. Records of the activities of militia units during the Revolution are scarce, but some insight can be gained to the service of Captain Benjamin Lillard from various extant sources.
It is known that Capt. Lillard and his command were active in the War in late 1780 and during nearly all of 1781. One of the men in Captain's Lillard's command was John Breedlove who stated in his pension application that he was drafted in October or November, 1780 for six months service in the company commanded by Captain Benjamin Lillard, part of the regiment of Colonel Glenn and Colonel Lucas in the army commanded by General Edward Stevens. ("Revolutionary War Pension Application of John Breedlove," Pension No. S. 2102, as abstracted in, John Frederick Dorman, Virginia Revolutionary Pension Applications, Vol. Ten, (Washington, D.C: n.p., 1965), pp. 3-4. Hereinafter cited as, John Breedlove Pension Abstract; Dorman, Revolutionary Pension Applications.) The British General, Lord Cornwallis, commanded the opposing British Army in the south. During this campaign, Captain Lillard's unit was probably present when the Americans under General Greene fought several engagements with the British in the Carolinas.
John Breedlove stated that the unit marched from, "Culpeper County to Hillsborough and Charlotte, N. C., by way of Salisbury, and from Charlotte to Cheraw Hills, S.C., and then retreating into Virginia, closely pursued by Lord Cornwallis."1033 On January 17, 1781, infantry under General Greene defeated a detachment of the British force at the Battle of Cowpens, capturing cannon, eight hundred prisoners and a British baggage train. (James Thomas Flexner, George Washington: In the American Revolution (1775-1783) (Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1967), p. 420.)
After the battle, the main British force under Cornwallis which was of superior size pursued the Americans, who were laden with the captured items, into Virginia. Although the Americans had inflicted defeat on a detachment of the British force, the subsequent retreat into Virginia was arduous. Fortunately, it rained during the countermarch and the swollen waters of the Dan and Yadkin Rivers provided a natural barrier to the pursuit by the enemy led by Lord Cornwallis. John Breedlove remembered fifty-one years later that he swam the Yadin River from bank to bank and that only "hard marching" and the rains saved General Greene's army. It is likely that Capt. Benjamin Lillard was present at subsequent engagements fought by General Stevens' army for a volunteer, Shadrack Barnes, stated that he volunteered in March, 1781 for three months service under a Captain Lillard. ("Revolutionary War Pension Application of Shadrack Barnes," as abstracted in, John Frederick Dorman, Virginia Revolutionary Pension Applications, Volume Four (Washington: n.p., 1960), pp. 94-95. Although the abstract, and probably the application itself, only identifies the company commander as "Capt. Lillard," it appears likely that this is Captain Benjamin Lillard, and not his brother, Captain John Lillard.)
It has been stated that Captain Benjamin Lillard and his company were present during the siege and surrender of Lord Cornwallis and his Army at Yorktown, Virginia.1 037 While it is certain that Captain Lillard's unit participated in the maneuvers leading up to the siege of Yorktown, his presence at the siege has not been established.
In the summer of 1781, the British believed that General Washington and the Continental Army, along with French allies, were planning to attack and capture New York City. This was in fact Washington's preference over a southern campaign. As a result, the stage was set for the Yorktown campaign by two developments. First, British General Dewitt ordered Cornwallis to send a portion of his force to reinforce New York, with Cornwallis to withdraw into Yorktown. During the summer of 1781, the British Army commanded by Cornwallis moved through Richmond, to Williamsburg, to Suffolk, Portsmouth, arriving in Yorktown in August. Second, the subsequent arrival in early September, 1781, in Chesapeake Bay of a large French fleet under Admiral de Grasse to support Washington's Army.1038
The statements of two men place Captain Lillard and his company in the American Army which shadowed Lord Cornwallis during these maneuvers leading to Yorktown. Thomas Hedger stated that he was drafted in the summer of 1781 for three months militia service under Capt. Benjamin Lillard, in Col. Slaughter's regiment in the brigade commanded by Gen. Edward Stevens. The command marched from Culpeper to "Moblin Hills" [probably Malvern Hills] below Richmond and stayed there about two weeks. He stated that, [F]rom there we marched to Richmond and joined the main Army at Richmond and from thence to King William County, towards where Lord Cornwallis lay and a short time before his defeat." Hedger indicated that he was discharged in King William County, having served three months. ("Revolutionary War Pension Application of Thomas Hedger," as abstracted in, Mrs. Carl W. McGhee, Historical Records of Harrodsburg (Mercer County) Formerly known as Old Crab Orchard. Lincoln County. Kentucky, Vol. I, Part I (no pub., no date), page 59, section 105.)
John Brown was drafted on July 15, 1781 and also served with Captain Lillard during the summer campaign, marching to Malvern Hills near Richmond. The siege of Yorktown began about September 30, and ended with the surrender of Lord Cornwallis and the British Army on October 19, 1781. Brown indicated he volunteered in a company raised by Major Long for "severe service" for "some weeks" on the lines, apparently at Yorktown. Brown's account does not indicate whether Captain Benjamin Lillard was with this unit, which was, [E]mployed in marching from place to place observing the movements of the enemy about York." He stated that he returned to the regiment and was discharged at Williamsburg on October 10, 1781. ("Revolutionary War Pension Application of John Brown," Pension No. S. 6735, as abstracted in, John Frederick Dorman, Virginia Revolutionary Pension Applications, Volume Eleven, (Washington: n.p., 1965), pp. 49-50.)
Benjamin Lillard was not only a soldier during the War, but he also demonstrated his patriotism by furnishing supplies to the Army. He evidently was a distiller for on October 13, 1780, he received five different commissary or commissioners certificates for over thirty-nine gallons of Brandy he furnished to the Colonial forces. (Public Service Claims, Court Booklets and Lists [Albermarle-Cumberland Counties], pp. 3, 4, 14 and 30; Microfilm Positive Reel No. 1, VSL&A.) Rather than wait until the end of the War to receive payment, he assigned these certificates to Joseph Strother, Jr.
After the Revolutionary War, Benjamin Lillard was commissioned a Justice of the Peace for Culpeper County. The commission of Capt. Benjamin Lillard was signed by Benjamin Harrison, one of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence. The commission states:
The Commonwealth of VIRGINIA
To ALL to whom these present Letters shall come Greeting.
KNOW YE, That our Governor on recommendation from the Court of the County of Culpeper, having, with advice of our Council of State, this day issued a Commission constituting and appointing James Browning and Benjamin Lillard, Gentlemen, Justices of the Peace in and for the said County, in addition to those then holding the said office, with authority to be of any Court of Oyer and Terminer to be held for the said County from time to time for the purpose of trying, condemning and executing, or otherwise punishing or acquitting, any slave committing a capital crime within the said County, of which said Court one of the said Commissioners heretofore appointed and now holding the said office shall be one.
In TESTIMONY whereof these our letters are made patent. Witness BENJAMIN HARRISON, Esquire, our said Governor at Richmond, on the 31st day of March, in the year of our Lord, 1783.
(seal of Virginia) BENJAMIN HARRISON.4
; At some point shortly after the War, Captain Benjamin Lillard left his wife, Frances (Crow) Lillard. He also executed the following deed of trust, which proved for many years to be the basis of a dispute between Benjamin Lillard, Frances (Crow) Lillard and the children he had by her (Lillard, pp. 300-302, citing, "Deed of Trust, Benjamin Lillard to Capt. John Strother and Thomas Lillard, Trustees,' Nov. 22, 1785, Culpeper County, VA, Deed Bk. N, p. 106.):
"22 Nov. 1785. This indenture in Tripartite made the Twenty Second day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Five Between Benjamin Lillard of the County of Culpeper and Commonwealth of Virginia of the first part, Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard of the County and Commonwealth aforesaid of the second part, and Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard and Mordecai Lillard (children of the said Benjamin Lillard) of the third part Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Lillard as well for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Pounds Specie to him in hand paid by the said Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and himself therewith fully satisfied & paid as for the natural love and affection he hath and bear to the said Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard Hath Bargained & Sold, Given and Transferred and by these presents so Grant Bargain & Sell Give & Confirm unto the sd Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their Heirs and assigns forever the following parcels of Land (to wit) the quantity of Twenty Acres whereon the s Benjamin Lillard formerly lived Lying in the County aforesaid on Pophams run adjoining to the Lands of John Seale & John Thomas and all that parcel of Land belonging to the sd Benjamin Lillard Lying on Rocky Run adjoining to the Land of Mary Champe, James Crow, Senr, and the aforesaid John Seale together with the following Slaves & Stocks of horses & Hogs and Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming & Plantings. (Viz') One negro man named Will, one woman named Nane one ditto named ditto & one Yallow Boy named Gabriel (son of Nane) and their increase one dark Bay horse about four feet nine inches high called Useless and one Bay ditto about four feet five inches high called Fidler two white sows and their increase three feather beds & Furniture Three Pewter dishes fifteen ditto plates Three ditto Basons Two large China Dishes Six ditto Plates. Three pots one Dutch oven one copper Tea Kettle one frying Pan three Chests two Tables half dozen chairs Three axes Three hoes two cases Knives & forks and two shovels Plows To have and to hold the said Lands, Slaves, horses & Hogs Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming to the sd Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their heirs and assigns forever to the following uses Intents and purposes and to and for no other use Inter-set or purpose whatsoever That is to say the Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their heirs and assigns shall have and hold the said lands, Slaves and their Increase horses & hogs Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming for the use and Benefit of them the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard until they shall respectively arrive to the age of majority or till they shall Respectively enter into the state of Matrimony That upon either of the childrens arriving to the age of Twenty-one years or enter marriage an equal Division as near as the nature of the case will admit of be made of the sd Slaves or their increase until the majority or Marriage of all the children or the Survivors of them and that in case either of the sd children shall die before he or she shall arrive to the age of majority or marry in that case his or her part shall Dissolve to and be vested in the survivor or survivors of them the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard their Heirs, Executors, Admrs & Assigns and in the case of the Death of the whole of the said children before they arrive to the age of majority and before either of them enter into the State of Matrimony then to the use and behoof of them the sd Benjamin Lillard or to the use and behoof of such person or persons as he shall by any writing under his hand and seal before two witnesses or by his last will and testament appoint and Direct and further it is hereby declared to be the true intent and meaning of the above Deed of Trust that until the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard shall arrive to the age of majority or shall enter into the State of Matrimony that he the sd Benjamin Lillard, if he remains alive, shall have the management and direction of the sd Lands, Slaves and their Increase, Stocks, Furniture, &c, and apply the profits arising from the sd Lands, Labours of the sd Slaves & Increase of the sd Stock to his own use or in any other manner as he shall judge most expedient and may at any time before the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard arrives to the age of majority or Marry Sell & Convey the whole or any part of the s Lands, Slaves and their Increase Stock Furniture or Utensils in fee simple and apply the money arising from such sale or sales as he shall think proper to make of the sd Lands, Slaves &c, to the purchase of other Lands, Slaves, Stocks or other Furniture of Equal value for the use of the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard anything herein contained notwithstanding. In Witness whereof he the sd Benjamin Lillard hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day and year above written."
(signed) Benjamin Lillard(L.S.)
Received of the within named Capt. John Strother and Thomas Lillard the sum of fifty pounds specie it being in full consideration the money within mentioned Deed.
(signed) Benjamin Lillard.
At a Court held for Culpeper County, 22nd Nov. 1785, This Indented Deed of Trust from Benjamin Lillard to John Strother & Thomas Lillard was acknowledged by the said Benjamin and ordered to be recorded.
Teste: John Jameson, C.C.
After Captain Benjamin Lillard left his wife Frances (Crow) Lillard, he lived with Elizabeth Hensley, a widow who had several children of her own by her deceased husband. She had a daughter Elizabeth Hensley and one named Polly Hensley, and possibly several others, some of whom are mentioned in some of the Lillard deeds or as witnesses to papers. In addition, Benjamin Lillard and Elizabeth Hensley had several children of their own, although they never married, and Capt. Benjamin Lillard never obtained a divorce from Frances (Crow) Lillard.
In addition to his work as a lawyer, Captain Benjamin Lillard was engaged in milling. In 1794 the County Court of Madison County made several legal grants or authorizations to operate mills: Samuel Rouse to build a mill on Stoney Run; Daniel Mauck to build a mill on Robinson River; Benjamin Lillard to build a mill on Hughes River; Christopher Dickens to build a mill on Robinson River; John Henshaw to build a mill on Deep Run; and Ephraim Fray to build a mill on Deep Run.1044
Even after Capt. Benjamin Lillard left and began living with Elizabeth Hensley, it was generally necessary for Benjamin Lillard to have Frances (Crow) Lillard sign deeds conveying property he acquired. The signature of Frances "Frankey" Lillard was necessary, if for no other reason, to extinguish any right of dower she might have in the property. Thus in 1797, Benjamin Lillard and Frances Lillard for L30 deeded thirty-six acres on Rocky Run in Madison County to her brother William Crow. 045 The deed was signed by Benjamin Lillard and Frankey Lillard. It was witnessed by Clara Lillard, George Thomas and Dennis Lillard.4
Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr. appeared in the census of 1810 at Culpeper, Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA; [NOTE: possibly this Benjamin Lillard]
p. 102, line 7
Name: Benja Lillard
Home in 1810 (City, County, State): Culpeper, Culpeper, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 : 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Numbers of Slaves: 1
Number of Household Members Under 16: 5
Number of Household Members Over 25: 2
Number of Household Members: 8.5

Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr. appeared in the census of 1810 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA; p. 395, line 8
Name: Benjamin Lillard
Home in 1810 (City, County, State): Madison, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Number of Household Members Over 25: 1
Number of Household Members: 1.6

Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr. appeared in the census of 7 August 1820 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA; p. 105, line 58
Name: Captain Benjamin Lillard
Home in 1820 (City, County, State): Madison, Virginia
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Slaves - Males - 45 and over: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 1
Free White Persons - Over 25: 1
Total Free White Persons: 1
Total Slaves: 1
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 2.7

Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr. left a will on 6 November 1828 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA; "Will of Benjamin Lillard", Nov. 6, 1828 (proved, June 25, 1829), Madison County, VA, Will Book 5, pp. 527-528, Microfilm Positive Reel No. 17, Virginia State Library and Archives, Will Book 1826-1831, pp. 257-258.8
Family 1 | Frances "Franky" Crow d. c 1832 |
Children |
Family 2 | Elizabeth Hensley b. 1744 |
Children |
- [S396] Ralph E. Lillard, "unknown title" (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
- [S670] Shirley Edillon (e-mail address), email dated 14 Dec 2000 (n.p.:, unknown publish date).
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 1273. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., pp. 1276-1280.
- [S2446] 1810 Federal Census, 1810 Census VA Culpeper Co Culpeper, Source Citation - Year: 1810; Census Place: Culpeper, Culpeper, Virginia; Roll: 68; Page: 102; Image: 00201; Family History Library Film: 0181428 - [S3119] 1810 Federal Census, 1810 Census VA Madison Co, Source Citation - Year: 1810; Census Place: Madison, Virginia; Roll: 69; Page: 395; Image: 00695; Family History Library Film: 0181429 - [S3093] 1820 Federal Census, 1820 Census VA Mason Co, Source Citation - 1820 U S Census; Census Place: Madison, Virginia; Page: 105; NARA Roll: M33_131; Image: 116 - [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., pp. 1312.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., pp. 1322.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., pp. 1323.
Frances "Franky" Crow
F, #3005, d. circa 1832
Father | James Crow Sr. |
Mother | Elizabeth (?) |
Last Edited | 24 Apr 2015 |
Frances "Franky" Crow was born at Virginia, USA.1 She married Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr., son of Benjamin Lillard and Elizabeth Lightfoot, on 27 April 1774 at at the Old Glebe, near Bethels Meeting House, Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA,
; from Shirley Edillon (, email dated 14 Dec 2000:
Frances "Franky" CROW and Benjamin LILLARD were married 27 April 1774 (which differs from your date)at the Glebe in Culpeper County near Bethels Meeting House by Parson Heidsman according to a deposition (22 Sep 1836) of Daniel CROW.
To my knowledge, Mrs. Elizabeth HENSLEY and Benjamin LILLARD never married and certainly not 1785 as their eldest child is Mary "Polly" Lillard was born 16 November 1786 and married Augustine BRADLEY, Jr. There are many suits filed by Frances Crow Lillard's children that support this. Mrs. Elizabeth Hensley had a Tailor's shop per testimony.2,3
Frances "Franky" Crow died circa 1832 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA.1,4
(an unknown value.)1
; At some point shortly after the War, Captain Benjamin Lillard left his wife, Frances (Crow) Lillard. He also executed the following deed of trust, which proved for many years to be the basis of a dispute between Benjamin Lillard, Frances (Crow) Lillard and the children he had by her (Lillard, pp. 300-302, citing, "Deed of Trust, Benjamin Lillard to Capt. John Strother and Thomas Lillard, Trustees,' Nov. 22, 1785, Culpeper County, VA, Deed Bk. N, p. 106.):
"22 Nov. 1785. This indenture in Tripartite made the Twenty Second day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Five Between Benjamin Lillard of the County of Culpeper and Commonwealth of Virginia of the first part, Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard of the County and Commonwealth aforesaid of the second part, and Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard and Mordecai Lillard (children of the said Benjamin Lillard) of the third part Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Lillard as well for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Pounds Specie to him in hand paid by the said Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and himself therewith fully satisfied & paid as for the natural love and affection he hath and bear to the said Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard Hath Bargained & Sold, Given and Transferred and by these presents so Grant Bargain & Sell Give & Confirm unto the sd Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their Heirs and assigns forever the following parcels of Land (to wit) the quantity of Twenty Acres whereon the s Benjamin Lillard formerly lived Lying in the County aforesaid on Pophams run adjoining to the Lands of John Seale & John Thomas and all that parcel of Land belonging to the sd Benjamin Lillard Lying on Rocky Run adjoining to the Land of Mary Champe, James Crow, Senr, and the aforesaid John Seale together with the following Slaves & Stocks of horses & Hogs and Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming & Plantings. (Viz') One negro man named Will, one woman named Nane one ditto named ditto & one Yallow Boy named Gabriel (son of Nane) and their increase one dark Bay horse about four feet nine inches high called Useless and one Bay ditto about four feet five inches high called Fidler two white sows and their increase three feather beds & Furniture Three Pewter dishes fifteen ditto plates Three ditto Basons Two large China Dishes Six ditto Plates. Three pots one Dutch oven one copper Tea Kettle one frying Pan three Chests two Tables half dozen chairs Three axes Three hoes two cases Knives & forks and two shovels Plows To have and to hold the said Lands, Slaves, horses & Hogs Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming to the sd Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their heirs and assigns forever to the following uses Intents and purposes and to and for no other use Inter-set or purpose whatsoever That is to say the Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their heirs and assigns shall have and hold the said lands, Slaves and their Increase horses & hogs Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming for the use and Benefit of them the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard until they shall respectively arrive to the age of majority or till they shall Respectively enter into the state of Matrimony That upon either of the childrens arriving to the age of Twenty-one years or enter marriage an equal Division as near as the nature of the case will admit of be made of the sd Slaves or their increase until the majority or Marriage of all the children or the Survivors of them and that in case either of the sd children shall die before he or she shall arrive to the age of majority or marry in that case his or her part shall Dissolve to and be vested in the survivor or survivors of them the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard their Heirs, Executors, Admrs & Assigns and in the case of the Death of the whole of the said children before they arrive to the age of majority and before either of them enter into the State of Matrimony then to the use and behoof of them the sd Benjamin Lillard or to the use and behoof of such person or persons as he shall by any writing under his hand and seal before two witnesses or by his last will and testament appoint and Direct and further it is hereby declared to be the true intent and meaning of the above Deed of Trust that until the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard shall arrive to the age of majority or shall enter into the State of Matrimony that he the sd Benjamin Lillard, if he remains alive, shall have the management and direction of the sd Lands, Slaves and their Increase, Stocks, Furniture, &c, and apply the profits arising from the sd Lands, Labours of the sd Slaves & Increase of the sd Stock to his own use or in any other manner as he shall judge most expedient and may at any time before the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard arrives to the age of majority or Marry Sell & Convey the whole or any part of the s Lands, Slaves and their Increase Stock Furniture or Utensils in fee simple and apply the money arising from such sale or sales as he shall think proper to make of the sd Lands, Slaves &c, to the purchase of other Lands, Slaves, Stocks or other Furniture of Equal value for the use of the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard anything herein contained notwithstanding. In Witness whereof he the sd Benjamin Lillard hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day and year above written."
(signed) Benjamin Lillard(L.S.)
Received of the within named Capt. John Strother and Thomas Lillard the sum of fifty pounds specie it being in full consideration the money within mentioned Deed.
(signed) Benjamin Lillard.
At a Court held for Culpeper County, 22nd Nov. 1785, This Indented Deed of Trust from Benjamin Lillard to John Strother & Thomas Lillard was acknowledged by the said Benjamin and ordered to be recorded.
Teste: John Jameson, C.C.
After Captain Benjamin Lillard left his wife Frances (Crow) Lillard, he lived with Elizabeth Hensley, a widow who had several children of her own by her deceased husband. She had a daughter Elizabeth Hensley and one named Polly Hensley, and possibly several others, some of whom are mentioned in some of the Lillard deeds or as witnesses to papers. In addition, Benjamin Lillard and Elizabeth Hensley had several children of their own, although they never married, and Capt. Benjamin Lillard never obtained a divorce from Frances (Crow) Lillard.
In addition to his work as a lawyer, Captain Benjamin Lillard was engaged in milling. In 1794 the County Court of Madison County made several legal grants or authorizations to operate mills: Samuel Rouse to build a mill on Stoney Run; Daniel Mauck to build a mill on Robinson River; Benjamin Lillard to build a mill on Hughes River; Christopher Dickens to build a mill on Robinson River; John Henshaw to build a mill on Deep Run; and Ephraim Fray to build a mill on Deep Run.1044
Even after Capt. Benjamin Lillard left and began living with Elizabeth Hensley, it was generally necessary for Benjamin Lillard to have Frances (Crow) Lillard sign deeds conveying property he acquired. The signature of Frances "Frankey" Lillard was necessary, if for no other reason, to extinguish any right of dower she might have in the property. Thus in 1797, Benjamin Lillard and Frances Lillard for L30 deeded thirty-six acres on Rocky Run in Madison County to her brother William Crow. 045 The deed was signed by Benjamin Lillard and Frankey Lillard. It was witnessed by Clara Lillard, George Thomas and Dennis Lillard.5
Frances "Franky" Crow appeared in the census of 1810 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA; [Note: Benjamin LILLARD had moved in with Elizabeth Hensley and his first wife, Francis "Franky" CROW LILLARD lived separately]
p. 395, line 6
Name: Franky Lillard
Home in 1810 (City, County, State): Madison, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over : 1
Numbers of Slaves: 2
Number of Household Members Under 16: 1
Number of Household Members Over 25: 1
Number of Household Members: 7.6
; from Shirley Edillon (, email dated 14 Dec 2000:
Frances "Franky" CROW and Benjamin LILLARD were married 27 April 1774 (which differs from your date)at the Glebe in Culpeper County near Bethels Meeting House by Parson Heidsman according to a deposition (22 Sep 1836) of Daniel CROW.
To my knowledge, Mrs. Elizabeth HENSLEY and Benjamin LILLARD never married and certainly not 1785 as their eldest child is Mary "Polly" Lillard was born 16 November 1786 and married Augustine BRADLEY, Jr. There are many suits filed by Frances Crow Lillard's children that support this. Mrs. Elizabeth Hensley had a Tailor's shop per testimony.2,3
Frances "Franky" Crow died circa 1832 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA.1,4
(an unknown value.)1
; At some point shortly after the War, Captain Benjamin Lillard left his wife, Frances (Crow) Lillard. He also executed the following deed of trust, which proved for many years to be the basis of a dispute between Benjamin Lillard, Frances (Crow) Lillard and the children he had by her (Lillard, pp. 300-302, citing, "Deed of Trust, Benjamin Lillard to Capt. John Strother and Thomas Lillard, Trustees,' Nov. 22, 1785, Culpeper County, VA, Deed Bk. N, p. 106.):
"22 Nov. 1785. This indenture in Tripartite made the Twenty Second day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Five Between Benjamin Lillard of the County of Culpeper and Commonwealth of Virginia of the first part, Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard of the County and Commonwealth aforesaid of the second part, and Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard and Mordecai Lillard (children of the said Benjamin Lillard) of the third part Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Lillard as well for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Pounds Specie to him in hand paid by the said Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and himself therewith fully satisfied & paid as for the natural love and affection he hath and bear to the said Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard Hath Bargained & Sold, Given and Transferred and by these presents so Grant Bargain & Sell Give & Confirm unto the sd Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their Heirs and assigns forever the following parcels of Land (to wit) the quantity of Twenty Acres whereon the s Benjamin Lillard formerly lived Lying in the County aforesaid on Pophams run adjoining to the Lands of John Seale & John Thomas and all that parcel of Land belonging to the sd Benjamin Lillard Lying on Rocky Run adjoining to the Land of Mary Champe, James Crow, Senr, and the aforesaid John Seale together with the following Slaves & Stocks of horses & Hogs and Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming & Plantings. (Viz') One negro man named Will, one woman named Nane one ditto named ditto & one Yallow Boy named Gabriel (son of Nane) and their increase one dark Bay horse about four feet nine inches high called Useless and one Bay ditto about four feet five inches high called Fidler two white sows and their increase three feather beds & Furniture Three Pewter dishes fifteen ditto plates Three ditto Basons Two large China Dishes Six ditto Plates. Three pots one Dutch oven one copper Tea Kettle one frying Pan three Chests two Tables half dozen chairs Three axes Three hoes two cases Knives & forks and two shovels Plows To have and to hold the said Lands, Slaves, horses & Hogs Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming to the sd Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their heirs and assigns forever to the following uses Intents and purposes and to and for no other use Inter-set or purpose whatsoever That is to say the Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their heirs and assigns shall have and hold the said lands, Slaves and their Increase horses & hogs Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming for the use and Benefit of them the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard until they shall respectively arrive to the age of majority or till they shall Respectively enter into the state of Matrimony That upon either of the childrens arriving to the age of Twenty-one years or enter marriage an equal Division as near as the nature of the case will admit of be made of the sd Slaves or their increase until the majority or Marriage of all the children or the Survivors of them and that in case either of the sd children shall die before he or she shall arrive to the age of majority or marry in that case his or her part shall Dissolve to and be vested in the survivor or survivors of them the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard their Heirs, Executors, Admrs & Assigns and in the case of the Death of the whole of the said children before they arrive to the age of majority and before either of them enter into the State of Matrimony then to the use and behoof of them the sd Benjamin Lillard or to the use and behoof of such person or persons as he shall by any writing under his hand and seal before two witnesses or by his last will and testament appoint and Direct and further it is hereby declared to be the true intent and meaning of the above Deed of Trust that until the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard shall arrive to the age of majority or shall enter into the State of Matrimony that he the sd Benjamin Lillard, if he remains alive, shall have the management and direction of the sd Lands, Slaves and their Increase, Stocks, Furniture, &c, and apply the profits arising from the sd Lands, Labours of the sd Slaves & Increase of the sd Stock to his own use or in any other manner as he shall judge most expedient and may at any time before the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard arrives to the age of majority or Marry Sell & Convey the whole or any part of the s Lands, Slaves and their Increase Stock Furniture or Utensils in fee simple and apply the money arising from such sale or sales as he shall think proper to make of the sd Lands, Slaves &c, to the purchase of other Lands, Slaves, Stocks or other Furniture of Equal value for the use of the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard anything herein contained notwithstanding. In Witness whereof he the sd Benjamin Lillard hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day and year above written."
(signed) Benjamin Lillard(L.S.)
Received of the within named Capt. John Strother and Thomas Lillard the sum of fifty pounds specie it being in full consideration the money within mentioned Deed.
(signed) Benjamin Lillard.
At a Court held for Culpeper County, 22nd Nov. 1785, This Indented Deed of Trust from Benjamin Lillard to John Strother & Thomas Lillard was acknowledged by the said Benjamin and ordered to be recorded.
Teste: John Jameson, C.C.
After Captain Benjamin Lillard left his wife Frances (Crow) Lillard, he lived with Elizabeth Hensley, a widow who had several children of her own by her deceased husband. She had a daughter Elizabeth Hensley and one named Polly Hensley, and possibly several others, some of whom are mentioned in some of the Lillard deeds or as witnesses to papers. In addition, Benjamin Lillard and Elizabeth Hensley had several children of their own, although they never married, and Capt. Benjamin Lillard never obtained a divorce from Frances (Crow) Lillard.
In addition to his work as a lawyer, Captain Benjamin Lillard was engaged in milling. In 1794 the County Court of Madison County made several legal grants or authorizations to operate mills: Samuel Rouse to build a mill on Stoney Run; Daniel Mauck to build a mill on Robinson River; Benjamin Lillard to build a mill on Hughes River; Christopher Dickens to build a mill on Robinson River; John Henshaw to build a mill on Deep Run; and Ephraim Fray to build a mill on Deep Run.1044
Even after Capt. Benjamin Lillard left and began living with Elizabeth Hensley, it was generally necessary for Benjamin Lillard to have Frances (Crow) Lillard sign deeds conveying property he acquired. The signature of Frances "Frankey" Lillard was necessary, if for no other reason, to extinguish any right of dower she might have in the property. Thus in 1797, Benjamin Lillard and Frances Lillard for L30 deeded thirty-six acres on Rocky Run in Madison County to her brother William Crow. 045 The deed was signed by Benjamin Lillard and Frankey Lillard. It was witnessed by Clara Lillard, George Thomas and Dennis Lillard.5
Frances "Franky" Crow appeared in the census of 1810 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA; [Note: Benjamin LILLARD had moved in with Elizabeth Hensley and his first wife, Francis "Franky" CROW LILLARD lived separately]
p. 395, line 6
Name: Franky Lillard
Home in 1810 (City, County, State): Madison, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over : 1
Numbers of Slaves: 2
Number of Household Members Under 16: 1
Number of Household Members Over 25: 1
Number of Household Members: 7.6

Family | Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr. b. 1740, d. bt 6 Nov 1828 - 25 Jun 1829 |
Children |
- [S396] Ralph E. Lillard, "unknown title" (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
- [S670] Shirley Edillon (e-mail address), email dated 14 Dec 2000 (n.p.:, unknown publish date).
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 1273. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., pp. 1322: "...her will was proved and recorded April 26, 1832."
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., pp. 1276-1280.
- [S3119] 1810 Federal Census, 1810 Census VA Madison Co, Source Citation - Year: 1810; Census Place: Madison, Virginia; Roll: 69; Page: 395; Image: 00695; Family History Library Film: 0181429 - [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., pp. 1322.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., pp. 1323.
James Crow Sr.
M, #3006
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Family | Elizabeth (?) |
Children |
- [S396] Ralph E. Lillard, "unknown title" (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 1296: "William Crow, the brother of Frances (Crow) Lillard made affidavit on Sept. 13, 1824...". Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
Elizabeth (?)
F, #3007
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Family | James Crow Sr. |
Children |
- [S396] Ralph E. Lillard, "unknown title" (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 1296: "William Crow, the brother of Frances (Crow) Lillard made affidavit on Sept. 13, 1824...". Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
Elizabeth Hensley
F, #3008, b. 1744
Last Edited | 24 Apr 2015 |
Elizabeth Hensley was born in 1744 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr., son of Benjamin Lillard and Elizabeth Lightfoot, circa 1785
; probably never actually married.
(an unknown value.)1
; "Widow" per Ralph E. Lillard (see source.)1
; At some point shortly after the War, Captain Benjamin Lillard left his wife, Frances (Crow) Lillard. He also executed the following deed of trust, which proved for many years to be the basis of a dispute between Benjamin Lillard, Frances (Crow) Lillard and the children he had by her (Lillard, pp. 300-302, citing, "Deed of Trust, Benjamin Lillard to Capt. John Strother and Thomas Lillard, Trustees,' Nov. 22, 1785, Culpeper County, VA, Deed Bk. N, p. 106.):
"22 Nov. 1785. This indenture in Tripartite made the Twenty Second day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Five Between Benjamin Lillard of the County of Culpeper and Commonwealth of Virginia of the first part, Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard of the County and Commonwealth aforesaid of the second part, and Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard and Mordecai Lillard (children of the said Benjamin Lillard) of the third part Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Lillard as well for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Pounds Specie to him in hand paid by the said Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and himself therewith fully satisfied & paid as for the natural love and affection he hath and bear to the said Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard Hath Bargained & Sold, Given and Transferred and by these presents so Grant Bargain & Sell Give & Confirm unto the sd Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their Heirs and assigns forever the following parcels of Land (to wit) the quantity of Twenty Acres whereon the s Benjamin Lillard formerly lived Lying in the County aforesaid on Pophams run adjoining to the Lands of John Seale & John Thomas and all that parcel of Land belonging to the sd Benjamin Lillard Lying on Rocky Run adjoining to the Land of Mary Champe, James Crow, Senr, and the aforesaid John Seale together with the following Slaves & Stocks of horses & Hogs and Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming & Plantings. (Viz') One negro man named Will, one woman named Nane one ditto named ditto & one Yallow Boy named Gabriel (son of Nane) and their increase one dark Bay horse about four feet nine inches high called Useless and one Bay ditto about four feet five inches high called Fidler two white sows and their increase three feather beds & Furniture Three Pewter dishes fifteen ditto plates Three ditto Basons Two large China Dishes Six ditto Plates. Three pots one Dutch oven one copper Tea Kettle one frying Pan three Chests two Tables half dozen chairs Three axes Three hoes two cases Knives & forks and two shovels Plows To have and to hold the said Lands, Slaves, horses & Hogs Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming to the sd Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their heirs and assigns forever to the following uses Intents and purposes and to and for no other use Inter-set or purpose whatsoever That is to say the Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their heirs and assigns shall have and hold the said lands, Slaves and their Increase horses & hogs Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming for the use and Benefit of them the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard until they shall respectively arrive to the age of majority or till they shall Respectively enter into the state of Matrimony That upon either of the childrens arriving to the age of Twenty-one years or enter marriage an equal Division as near as the nature of the case will admit of be made of the sd Slaves or their increase until the majority or Marriage of all the children or the Survivors of them and that in case either of the sd children shall die before he or she shall arrive to the age of majority or marry in that case his or her part shall Dissolve to and be vested in the survivor or survivors of them the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard their Heirs, Executors, Admrs & Assigns and in the case of the Death of the whole of the said children before they arrive to the age of majority and before either of them enter into the State of Matrimony then to the use and behoof of them the sd Benjamin Lillard or to the use and behoof of such person or persons as he shall by any writing under his hand and seal before two witnesses or by his last will and testament appoint and Direct and further it is hereby declared to be the true intent and meaning of the above Deed of Trust that until the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard shall arrive to the age of majority or shall enter into the State of Matrimony that he the sd Benjamin Lillard, if he remains alive, shall have the management and direction of the sd Lands, Slaves and their Increase, Stocks, Furniture, &c, and apply the profits arising from the sd Lands, Labours of the sd Slaves & Increase of the sd Stock to his own use or in any other manner as he shall judge most expedient and may at any time before the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard arrives to the age of majority or Marry Sell & Convey the whole or any part of the s Lands, Slaves and their Increase Stock Furniture or Utensils in fee simple and apply the money arising from such sale or sales as he shall think proper to make of the sd Lands, Slaves &c, to the purchase of other Lands, Slaves, Stocks or other Furniture of Equal value for the use of the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard anything herein contained notwithstanding. In Witness whereof he the sd Benjamin Lillard hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day and year above written."
(signed) Benjamin Lillard(L.S.)
Received of the within named Capt. John Strother and Thomas Lillard the sum of fifty pounds specie it being in full consideration the money within mentioned Deed.
(signed) Benjamin Lillard.
At a Court held for Culpeper County, 22nd Nov. 1785, This Indented Deed of Trust from Benjamin Lillard to John Strother & Thomas Lillard was acknowledged by the said Benjamin and ordered to be recorded.
Teste: John Jameson, C.C.
After Captain Benjamin Lillard left his wife Frances (Crow) Lillard, he lived with Elizabeth Hensley, a widow who had several children of her own by her deceased husband. She had a daughter Elizabeth Hensley and one named Polly Hensley, and possibly several others, some of whom are mentioned in some of the Lillard deeds or as witnesses to papers. In addition, Benjamin Lillard and Elizabeth Hensley had several children of their own, although they never married, and Capt. Benjamin Lillard never obtained a divorce from Frances (Crow) Lillard.
In addition to his work as a lawyer, Captain Benjamin Lillard was engaged in milling. In 1794 the County Court of Madison County made several legal grants or authorizations to operate mills: Samuel Rouse to build a mill on Stoney Run; Daniel Mauck to build a mill on Robinson River; Benjamin Lillard to build a mill on Hughes River; Christopher Dickens to build a mill on Robinson River; John Henshaw to build a mill on Deep Run; and Ephraim Fray to build a mill on Deep Run.1044
Even after Capt. Benjamin Lillard left and began living with Elizabeth Hensley, it was generally necessary for Benjamin Lillard to have Frances (Crow) Lillard sign deeds conveying property he acquired. The signature of Frances "Frankey" Lillard was necessary, if for no other reason, to extinguish any right of dower she might have in the property. Thus in 1797, Benjamin Lillard and Frances Lillard for L30 deeded thirty-six acres on Rocky Run in Madison County to her brother William Crow. 045 The deed was signed by Benjamin Lillard and Frankey Lillard. It was witnessed by Clara Lillard, George Thomas and Dennis Lillard.2
; probably never actually married.
(an unknown value.)1
; "Widow" per Ralph E. Lillard (see source.)1
; At some point shortly after the War, Captain Benjamin Lillard left his wife, Frances (Crow) Lillard. He also executed the following deed of trust, which proved for many years to be the basis of a dispute between Benjamin Lillard, Frances (Crow) Lillard and the children he had by her (Lillard, pp. 300-302, citing, "Deed of Trust, Benjamin Lillard to Capt. John Strother and Thomas Lillard, Trustees,' Nov. 22, 1785, Culpeper County, VA, Deed Bk. N, p. 106.):
"22 Nov. 1785. This indenture in Tripartite made the Twenty Second day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Five Between Benjamin Lillard of the County of Culpeper and Commonwealth of Virginia of the first part, Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard of the County and Commonwealth aforesaid of the second part, and Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard and Mordecai Lillard (children of the said Benjamin Lillard) of the third part Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Lillard as well for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Pounds Specie to him in hand paid by the said Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and himself therewith fully satisfied & paid as for the natural love and affection he hath and bear to the said Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard Hath Bargained & Sold, Given and Transferred and by these presents so Grant Bargain & Sell Give & Confirm unto the sd Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their Heirs and assigns forever the following parcels of Land (to wit) the quantity of Twenty Acres whereon the s Benjamin Lillard formerly lived Lying in the County aforesaid on Pophams run adjoining to the Lands of John Seale & John Thomas and all that parcel of Land belonging to the sd Benjamin Lillard Lying on Rocky Run adjoining to the Land of Mary Champe, James Crow, Senr, and the aforesaid John Seale together with the following Slaves & Stocks of horses & Hogs and Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming & Plantings. (Viz') One negro man named Will, one woman named Nane one ditto named ditto & one Yallow Boy named Gabriel (son of Nane) and their increase one dark Bay horse about four feet nine inches high called Useless and one Bay ditto about four feet five inches high called Fidler two white sows and their increase three feather beds & Furniture Three Pewter dishes fifteen ditto plates Three ditto Basons Two large China Dishes Six ditto Plates. Three pots one Dutch oven one copper Tea Kettle one frying Pan three Chests two Tables half dozen chairs Three axes Three hoes two cases Knives & forks and two shovels Plows To have and to hold the said Lands, Slaves, horses & Hogs Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming to the sd Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their heirs and assigns forever to the following uses Intents and purposes and to and for no other use Inter-set or purpose whatsoever That is to say the Capt. John Strother & Thomas Lillard and their heirs and assigns shall have and hold the said lands, Slaves and their Increase horses & hogs Household Furniture & Utensils of Farming for the use and Benefit of them the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard until they shall respectively arrive to the age of majority or till they shall Respectively enter into the state of Matrimony That upon either of the childrens arriving to the age of Twenty-one years or enter marriage an equal Division as near as the nature of the case will admit of be made of the sd Slaves or their increase until the majority or Marriage of all the children or the Survivors of them and that in case either of the sd children shall die before he or she shall arrive to the age of majority or marry in that case his or her part shall Dissolve to and be vested in the survivor or survivors of them the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard their Heirs, Executors, Admrs & Assigns and in the case of the Death of the whole of the said children before they arrive to the age of majority and before either of them enter into the State of Matrimony then to the use and behoof of them the sd Benjamin Lillard or to the use and behoof of such person or persons as he shall by any writing under his hand and seal before two witnesses or by his last will and testament appoint and Direct and further it is hereby declared to be the true intent and meaning of the above Deed of Trust that until the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard shall arrive to the age of majority or shall enter into the State of Matrimony that he the sd Benjamin Lillard, if he remains alive, shall have the management and direction of the sd Lands, Slaves and their Increase, Stocks, Furniture, &c, and apply the profits arising from the sd Lands, Labours of the sd Slaves & Increase of the sd Stock to his own use or in any other manner as he shall judge most expedient and may at any time before the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard arrives to the age of majority or Marry Sell & Convey the whole or any part of the s Lands, Slaves and their Increase Stock Furniture or Utensils in fee simple and apply the money arising from such sale or sales as he shall think proper to make of the sd Lands, Slaves &c, to the purchase of other Lands, Slaves, Stocks or other Furniture of Equal value for the use of the sd Clara Lillard, Dennis Lillard, Lucy Lillard & Mordecai Lillard anything herein contained notwithstanding. In Witness whereof he the sd Benjamin Lillard hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day and year above written."
(signed) Benjamin Lillard(L.S.)
Received of the within named Capt. John Strother and Thomas Lillard the sum of fifty pounds specie it being in full consideration the money within mentioned Deed.
(signed) Benjamin Lillard.
At a Court held for Culpeper County, 22nd Nov. 1785, This Indented Deed of Trust from Benjamin Lillard to John Strother & Thomas Lillard was acknowledged by the said Benjamin and ordered to be recorded.
Teste: John Jameson, C.C.
After Captain Benjamin Lillard left his wife Frances (Crow) Lillard, he lived with Elizabeth Hensley, a widow who had several children of her own by her deceased husband. She had a daughter Elizabeth Hensley and one named Polly Hensley, and possibly several others, some of whom are mentioned in some of the Lillard deeds or as witnesses to papers. In addition, Benjamin Lillard and Elizabeth Hensley had several children of their own, although they never married, and Capt. Benjamin Lillard never obtained a divorce from Frances (Crow) Lillard.
In addition to his work as a lawyer, Captain Benjamin Lillard was engaged in milling. In 1794 the County Court of Madison County made several legal grants or authorizations to operate mills: Samuel Rouse to build a mill on Stoney Run; Daniel Mauck to build a mill on Robinson River; Benjamin Lillard to build a mill on Hughes River; Christopher Dickens to build a mill on Robinson River; John Henshaw to build a mill on Deep Run; and Ephraim Fray to build a mill on Deep Run.1044
Even after Capt. Benjamin Lillard left and began living with Elizabeth Hensley, it was generally necessary for Benjamin Lillard to have Frances (Crow) Lillard sign deeds conveying property he acquired. The signature of Frances "Frankey" Lillard was necessary, if for no other reason, to extinguish any right of dower she might have in the property. Thus in 1797, Benjamin Lillard and Frances Lillard for L30 deeded thirty-six acres on Rocky Run in Madison County to her brother William Crow. 045 The deed was signed by Benjamin Lillard and Frankey Lillard. It was witnessed by Clara Lillard, George Thomas and Dennis Lillard.2
Family | Capt. Benjamin Lillard Jr. b. 1740, d. bt 6 Nov 1828 - 25 Jun 1829 |
Children |
- [S396] Ralph E. Lillard, "unknown title" (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), pp. 1276-1280. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., pp. 1323.
Christopher Lillard Lt.
M, #3009, d. 13 October 1794
Father | Capt. John Lillard Sr.1,2 b. 3 Nov 1737, d. 30 May 1801 |
Mother | Susannah Ball2 b. Nov 1738, d. 18 Nov 1782 |
Last Edited | 16 Nov 2017 |
Christopher Lillard Lt. was born at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.3
Christopher Lillard Lt. died on 13 October 1794 at Virginia, USA; per DAR Application No. 751812 (Mary Kathryn Hoover Walker), filed Jan 28, 1993, descendant of Capt. John LILLARD Sr.: "killed by Indians."3,4
Christopher Lillard Lt. died on 13 October 1794 at Virginia, USA; per DAR Application No. 751812 (Mary Kathryn Hoover Walker), filed Jan 28, 1993, descendant of Capt. John LILLARD Sr.: "killed by Indians."3,4
- [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online, Capt John H Lillard: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Family Trees.
- [S414] DAR Application No. 315355 Capt, John Lillard (1737-1801), Arkansas Soc., Centennial Chapter, Application and supporting documents. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #315355 John LILLARD.
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS." - [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 807. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S464] DAR Application No. 751812: descendant of Capt. John LILLARD Sr., unknown series. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #751812 John LILLARD Sr.
Elizabeth Hudson1
F, #3010, b. circa 1681
Father | Joshua Hudson Sr.1 b. c 1650, d. bt 6 Jun 1704 - 26 Jun 1704 |
Mother | Elizabeth Rush1 b. a 1661, d. 11 Jun 1707 |
Last Edited | 26 May 2018 |
Elizabeth Hudson was born circa 1681 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA; Joan Allen Peyton & Kircherr Family Tree gives no sources for date or place.1
; per Joan Allen Peyton & Kircherr Family Tree: "Daughters of Josh: Hudson from Dakman 1705
27 Jan 1705 • Westmoreland County, Va.
Joshua Hudson Will 6 Jun pro 26 Jul 1704 wife Eliz Exec & son, Joshua. Ch: John, Joshua, Caleb, RUSH. Daughters not named in will. CHAPMAN DAKE Deed 27 jan 1705"daus of Josh Hudson, late, deceased: Sarah, Anne & Margaret under 17 Elizabeth 17."1
; per Joan Allen Peyton & Kircherr Family Tree: "Daughters of Josh: Hudson from Dakman 1705
27 Jan 1705 • Westmoreland County, Va.
Joshua Hudson Will 6 Jun pro 26 Jul 1704 wife Eliz Exec & son, Joshua. Ch: John, Joshua, Caleb, RUSH. Daughters not named in will. CHAPMAN DAKE Deed 27 jan 1705"daus of Josh Hudson, late, deceased: Sarah, Anne & Margaret under 17 Elizabeth 17."1
- [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online, Joan Allen Peyton & Kircherr Family Tree - Elizabeth (dau Joshua) Hudson: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Family Trees.
Frances Slaughter1
M, #3011, b. circa 1658, d. between 1 November 1718 and 4 March 1719
Last Edited | 26 May 2018 |
Frances Slaughter was born circa 1658 at Essex or St. Mary's Parish, Richmond Co., Virginia, USA; Joan Allen Peyton & Kircherr Family Tree gives no sources for date or place.1 He married Ann Hudson, daughter of Joshua Hudson Sr. and Elizabeth Rush, on 11 July 1711 at Richmond Co., Virginia, USA,
; Marriage Record #1: - Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800
Name: Ann Hudson
Marriage Date: Abt 1711
Spouse Name: Francis Slaughter
Marriage Location: Virginia, United States
Source Information: Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012.
Original data: Headley, Robert K. Married Well and Often: Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649–1800. Baltimore, MD, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2003.1,2
Frances Slaughter died between 1 November 1718 and 4 March 1719 at Richmond Co., Virginia, USA; Died between date of will and date of probate.1
His estate was probated on 4 March 1719 at Richmond Co., Virginia, USA.1
; There is an open question as to whether the Francis SLAUGHTER who married Margaret HUDSON ($last name uncertain) c 1679 and the Francis SLAUGHTER who married Ann HUDSON in 1711 were the same person. I have no information on the parentage of Margaret HUDSON and the identification of her last name as HUDSON is in question. His Find A Grave memorial states: "The will of Francis Slaughter, dated November 6, 1718, Essex County, Virginia, probated March 4 1718/9, mentioned wife Margaret...", leaving in doubt that thsi Francis married twice, as some believe.3,4
Frances Slaughter left a will on 4 March 1718 at Richmond Co., Virginia, USA.1
; Marriage Record #1: - Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800
Name: Ann Hudson
Marriage Date: Abt 1711
Spouse Name: Francis Slaughter
Marriage Location: Virginia, United States
Source Information: Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012.
Original data: Headley, Robert K. Married Well and Often: Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649–1800. Baltimore, MD, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2003.1,2

Frances Slaughter died between 1 November 1718 and 4 March 1719 at Richmond Co., Virginia, USA; Died between date of will and date of probate.1
His estate was probated on 4 March 1719 at Richmond Co., Virginia, USA.1
; There is an open question as to whether the Francis SLAUGHTER who married Margaret HUDSON ($last name uncertain) c 1679 and the Francis SLAUGHTER who married Ann HUDSON in 1711 were the same person. I have no information on the parentage of Margaret HUDSON and the identification of her last name as HUDSON is in question. His Find A Grave memorial states: "The will of Francis Slaughter, dated November 6, 1718, Essex County, Virginia, probated March 4 1718/9, mentioned wife Margaret...", leaving in doubt that thsi Francis married twice, as some believe.3,4
Frances Slaughter left a will on 4 March 1718 at Richmond Co., Virginia, USA.1
Family | Ann Hudson b. a 1694 |
- [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online, Joan Allen Peyton & Kircherr Family Tree - Frances (Ann Hudson's 1st Husband) Slaughter Sr: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Family Trees.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Marriage record seen on on 26 May 2018 at:
Image: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site. - [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Marriage record seen on on 26 May 2018 at:
Image: - [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Francis Slaughter, Jr: Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
Susanna Slaughter
F, #3012
Father | (?) Slaughter1 |
Last Edited | 16 Nov 2017 |
Susanna Slaughter married Thomas Lillard, son of Capt. John Lillard Sr. and Susannah Ball, on 22 November 1791.2
(an unknown value.)3,4
(an unknown value.)3,4
Family | Thomas Lillard d. 8 Jan 1827 |
Children |
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), pp. 813-814. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., pp. 813-814.
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS." - [S414] DAR Application No. 315355 Capt, John Lillard (1737-1801), Arkansas Soc., Centennial Chapter, Application and supporting documents. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #315355 John LILLARD.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., p. 822.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., p. 823.
Seth Carson
M, #3013
Last Edited | 16 Nov 2017 |
Seth Carson married Anna Mary Lillard, daughter of Capt. John Lillard Sr. and Susannah Ball, on 10 April 1794 at Mercer Co., Kentucky, USA,
; Eaklin [1983:54] says "When Seth Cason married Anna Lillard in Mercer County 25 mar 1794, John [Chiles] Jr. was a witness to his sister-in-law's marriage. Seth evidently died within the year as John, Jr. was given power-of-attorney by Anny Cason on 24 Nov. 1795."1
.2 Her 1st husband.2,3
; Eaklin [1983:54] says "When Seth Cason married Anna Lillard in Mercer County 25 mar 1794, John [Chiles] Jr. was a witness to his sister-in-law's marriage. Seth evidently died within the year as John, Jr. was given power-of-attorney by Anny Cason on 24 Nov. 1795."1
.2 Her 1st husband.2,3
Family | Anna Mary Lillard |
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 833. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS." - [S414] DAR Application No. 315355 Capt, John Lillard (1737-1801), Arkansas Soc., Centennial Chapter, Application and supporting documents. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #315355 John LILLARD.
Reuben Hudson1
M, #3014, b. circa 1760, d. before 20 February 1809
Father | Joshua Hudson Sr.1 b. c 1725, d. bt 6 Jan 1799 - 19 Apr 1801 |
Mother | Mary Terrell1 b. bt 1728 - 1730, d. bt 1786 - 1789 |
Last Edited | 18 Feb 2019 |
Reuben Hudson married Ann Hill.1
Reuben Hudson was born circa 1760 at Orange Co., Virginia, USA.1,2 He married Sarah Pollard before 1784.1,2
Reuben Hudson died before 20 February 1809 at Amherst Co., Virginia, USA.1,2
In Joshua Hudson Sr.'s will dated 5 January 1799 at Amherst Co., Virginia, USA, Reuben Hudson was named as executor; (Transcript of will provided by
Will of Joshua HUDSON
Jan.5, 1799 - Apr. 20, 1801
Will Book 4, pp.6-8, Amherst Co, VA.
"In the name of God Amen I Joshua HUDSON of the County of Amherst being weake of Body but of sound mind and memory, do make and Ordain this my last will and Testament in name and form following.
To wit: It is my Will & desire that after my Decease my Body be intered in a decent and Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named. My soul I recommend to Almighty God hoping to find Mercy & forgiveness at his hands and as touching such worldly goods as it hath Pleased Almighty God to bless me I dispose of in manner following vist:
Item: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah WRIGHT five Shillings to be paid by my Executors out of my Estate having formerly giving her what I intended for her.
Item: I give and Bequeath unto my son Rush HUDSON Eight Acres of Land on the End of Turkey Mountain adjoining the Tract he now lives on to complement my Old Peach Orchard and as much more as will make up the Quantity to him & his heirs forever.
Item: I give & Bequeath to my Daughter Mary DAWSON the Sum of ten Pounds Per annum to be paid her by Reuben HUDSON her heirs & assigns during her Natural Life for her Maintainence.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth DENNIS and the heirs of her body a good sound Title in the Negro formerly taken away by her named Jude and five Shillings Current Money.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Horatio HUDSON and Nancy HUDSON Infant Children of my son Joshua HUDSON dec'd the Sum of seventy five Pounds Current Money in Consideration of their fathers Estate which fell into my hands on his decease which Sum my Executors are directed to receive out of my Estate and put out to Interest for the said Children until they come of Age or get married and that the Principal & Interest be Equally divided between them share & share alike and in Causes Either of them should Depart this Life before that time my desire is that the Survivor have the - - - of the said Seventy five Pounds & Interest and my Executors bring against the sd Children no further - - - and for Bedding or Clothing so as to receive the sd Seventy five Pounds & Interest.
Item: It is my Will and desire that the Tract of land whereon I now live be sold by my Executors on Twelve Months Credit for the best Price can be had and the money Owing from such Sale to be Equally divided between my two Sons Reuben & George HUDSON to them & their heirs upon Reuben's paying to my Daughter Mary DAWSON ten Pounds p- Annum during her natural Life for her maintainence.
Item: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Frances TATE five Shillings and no more.
Item: I give unto my Daughter Ann GITTERSON five Shillings and no more having formerly given her a Negro Girl.
Item: I give unto the heirs of Robert HUDSON dec'd the Sum of five Shillings.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Lucy SANDRIDGE the Sum of fifty Pounds to be paid equally divided between the heirs of her Body share and share alike to be received out of my Estate and paid into the hands of Pullom SANDRIDGE for the purpose aforesaid and to be paid by him to the Children as they come of age or get married.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Peggy CHILDRESS five Shillings and not more.
Item: I give unto my Daughter Molly BALLINGER five Shillings & no more;
I give unto the Heirs of my Daughter Rachel MILES the sum of five Shillings.
Item: I give unto the legal representative of my Daughter Patsy RUCKER dec'd the sum of five Shillings & no more.
I give unto my Gran Daughter Rachel HUDSON MILES the Sum of Seventy five Pounds to be put out to Interest for her maintainence and the balance paid her when she comes of age or gets married and the said Sum to be raised by my Executor from my Estate.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Son George HUDSON one Negro man Andrew and to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Molly DAWSON the Sum of fifty Pounds current money to be raised out of my Estate by my Executors and put out to Interest for her until she comes of age or gets married.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Grand Son Flemming DAWSON the Sum of fifty Pounds to be raised out of my Estate and put out to Interst for him by my Executors until he comes of age.
Item: It is my Will and desire that all my just debts be fully paid and that all my Estate Desposed of be sold by my Executors for the best Price can be had on Twelve Months Credit and after complying with the aforesaid legacys the balance of the said Sale to the Equally Divided between my Son Reuben HUDSON and the lawful begotten Heirs of Robert HUDSON dec'd One moiety to the said Reuben and his heirs and the other moiety to the said Heirs of Robert HUDSON dec'd
Item: Lastly I appoint my friend Rellson SANDRIDGE & my Son Reuben HUDSON my Executors to this last Will & Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & fixed my Seal this 5 day of January, One thousand Seven hundred & Ninty Nine - - -
Signed Sealed & Acknowledged
in Presence of
Sharrod X BUGG
(evident codicil)
" September 18th 1800 My Will and desire is that fifty Pounds directed to be paid to Fleming DAWSON in consequence of his misconduct I wish the same to be withdrawn from him & paid by my Executors to my Son Rush HUDSON.
Wit: Rush HUDSON, Jr.
(evident codicil)
"Whereas by my last Will & Testament executed the fifth day of January, 1799, I directed my Executors to Receive out of my Estate the Sum of Seventy five Pounds & Pay the same to Horatio & Nancy HUDSON Infant Children of Joshua HUDSON Dec'd in lieu of their father's Estate which fell into my hands which Estate has lately been demanded by the Executors of the said Children & delivered to them. It is therefore my Will & desire that the said Children do receive nothing further from my Estate than what they have already rec'd and that my Executors do receive from my Estate in manner aforesaid the said Seventy five Pounds and Pay the same to my Son Rush HUDSON - - Given under my hand & Seal this 16 day of November, 1800.
his Joshua X HUDSON mark
Sig'd Sealed in presence of us
Bennett HUDSON
George WILLIS."3

Reuben Hudson was born circa 1760 at Orange Co., Virginia, USA.1,2 He married Sarah Pollard before 1784.1,2
Reuben Hudson died before 20 February 1809 at Amherst Co., Virginia, USA.1,2
In Joshua Hudson Sr.'s will dated 5 January 1799 at Amherst Co., Virginia, USA, Reuben Hudson was named as executor; (Transcript of will provided by
Will of Joshua HUDSON
Jan.5, 1799 - Apr. 20, 1801
Will Book 4, pp.6-8, Amherst Co, VA.
"In the name of God Amen I Joshua HUDSON of the County of Amherst being weake of Body but of sound mind and memory, do make and Ordain this my last will and Testament in name and form following.
To wit: It is my Will & desire that after my Decease my Body be intered in a decent and Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named. My soul I recommend to Almighty God hoping to find Mercy & forgiveness at his hands and as touching such worldly goods as it hath Pleased Almighty God to bless me I dispose of in manner following vist:
Item: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah WRIGHT five Shillings to be paid by my Executors out of my Estate having formerly giving her what I intended for her.
Item: I give and Bequeath unto my son Rush HUDSON Eight Acres of Land on the End of Turkey Mountain adjoining the Tract he now lives on to complement my Old Peach Orchard and as much more as will make up the Quantity to him & his heirs forever.
Item: I give & Bequeath to my Daughter Mary DAWSON the Sum of ten Pounds Per annum to be paid her by Reuben HUDSON her heirs & assigns during her Natural Life for her Maintainence.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth DENNIS and the heirs of her body a good sound Title in the Negro formerly taken away by her named Jude and five Shillings Current Money.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Horatio HUDSON and Nancy HUDSON Infant Children of my son Joshua HUDSON dec'd the Sum of seventy five Pounds Current Money in Consideration of their fathers Estate which fell into my hands on his decease which Sum my Executors are directed to receive out of my Estate and put out to Interest for the said Children until they come of Age or get married and that the Principal & Interest be Equally divided between them share & share alike and in Causes Either of them should Depart this Life before that time my desire is that the Survivor have the - - - of the said Seventy five Pounds & Interest and my Executors bring against the sd Children no further - - - and for Bedding or Clothing so as to receive the sd Seventy five Pounds & Interest.
Item: It is my Will and desire that the Tract of land whereon I now live be sold by my Executors on Twelve Months Credit for the best Price can be had and the money Owing from such Sale to be Equally divided between my two Sons Reuben & George HUDSON to them & their heirs upon Reuben's paying to my Daughter Mary DAWSON ten Pounds p- Annum during her natural Life for her maintainence.
Item: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Frances TATE five Shillings and no more.
Item: I give unto my Daughter Ann GITTERSON five Shillings and no more having formerly given her a Negro Girl.
Item: I give unto the heirs of Robert HUDSON dec'd the Sum of five Shillings.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Lucy SANDRIDGE the Sum of fifty Pounds to be paid equally divided between the heirs of her Body share and share alike to be received out of my Estate and paid into the hands of Pullom SANDRIDGE for the purpose aforesaid and to be paid by him to the Children as they come of age or get married.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Peggy CHILDRESS five Shillings and not more.
Item: I give unto my Daughter Molly BALLINGER five Shillings & no more;
I give unto the Heirs of my Daughter Rachel MILES the sum of five Shillings.
Item: I give unto the legal representative of my Daughter Patsy RUCKER dec'd the sum of five Shillings & no more.
I give unto my Gran Daughter Rachel HUDSON MILES the Sum of Seventy five Pounds to be put out to Interest for her maintainence and the balance paid her when she comes of age or gets married and the said Sum to be raised by my Executor from my Estate.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Son George HUDSON one Negro man Andrew and to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Molly DAWSON the Sum of fifty Pounds current money to be raised out of my Estate by my Executors and put out to Interest for her until she comes of age or gets married.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Grand Son Flemming DAWSON the Sum of fifty Pounds to be raised out of my Estate and put out to Interst for him by my Executors until he comes of age.
Item: It is my Will and desire that all my just debts be fully paid and that all my Estate Desposed of be sold by my Executors for the best Price can be had on Twelve Months Credit and after complying with the aforesaid legacys the balance of the said Sale to the Equally Divided between my Son Reuben HUDSON and the lawful begotten Heirs of Robert HUDSON dec'd One moiety to the said Reuben and his heirs and the other moiety to the said Heirs of Robert HUDSON dec'd
Item: Lastly I appoint my friend Rellson SANDRIDGE & my Son Reuben HUDSON my Executors to this last Will & Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & fixed my Seal this 5 day of January, One thousand Seven hundred & Ninty Nine - - -
Signed Sealed & Acknowledged
in Presence of
Sharrod X BUGG
(evident codicil)
" September 18th 1800 My Will and desire is that fifty Pounds directed to be paid to Fleming DAWSON in consequence of his misconduct I wish the same to be withdrawn from him & paid by my Executors to my Son Rush HUDSON.
Wit: Rush HUDSON, Jr.
(evident codicil)
"Whereas by my last Will & Testament executed the fifth day of January, 1799, I directed my Executors to Receive out of my Estate the Sum of Seventy five Pounds & Pay the same to Horatio & Nancy HUDSON Infant Children of Joshua HUDSON Dec'd in lieu of their father's Estate which fell into my hands which Estate has lately been demanded by the Executors of the said Children & delivered to them. It is therefore my Will & desire that the said Children do receive nothing further from my Estate than what they have already rec'd and that my Executors do receive from my Estate in manner aforesaid the said Seventy five Pounds and Pay the same to my Son Rush HUDSON - - Given under my hand & Seal this 16 day of November, 1800.
his Joshua X HUDSON mark
Sig'd Sealed in presence of us
Bennett HUDSON
George WILLIS."3

Family 1 | Ann Hill |
Family 2 | Sarah Pollard b. bt 1760 - 1770, d. a 1830 |
Children |
- [S3800] DAR Application No. 734672 - Ancestor: Joshua HUDSON, DAR No. A059717 and Supporting Documents, unknown series, Supporting document attached to Dar App. #734672: "The Children of Joshua and Mary Terrell Hudson of Amherst County Virginia - Information from the will of Joshua Hudson who died about 1801 and from the marriage Records of Amherst County Virginia"
The Wills of Amherst Country, Virginia, 1761-1865, by Rev. Bailey Davis.
Amherst County, Virginia Marriages. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #734672 Joshua HUDSON 81079. - [S4491] Joseph M. Ware, "Hudson/Hutson Lines and Queries: Marie S. Klooz", Hudson Family Association Bulletin No. 128, 4th Qrtr 2005, pp. 4-6 (Fourth Quarter 2005): p. 5. Hereinafter cited as "HFA Bulletin [2005:128:4-6] Hudson/Hutson Lines & Qs."
- [S3625] Joshua HUDSON (Sr.) will (5 Jan 1799), Will of Joshua Hudson of Amherst Co., VA- 5 Jan 1799, proved 20 Apr 1801 Will Book 4, pp. 6-9: Will seen on on 13 Oct. 2017 at:, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Will - HUDSON, Joshua 5 Jan 1799.
Robert Jones
M, #3015
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Family | |
Child |
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
Thomas Prather
M, #3016, b. 16 December 1757, d. 24 July 1786
Father | Thomas Clagett Prather1 |
Mother | Margaret (?)1 |
Last Edited | 7 Sep 2017 |
Thomas Prather was born on 16 December 1757 at Frederick Co., Maryland, USA.2 He married Mary Ann Phillips before 1777
; per FindAGrave, oldest child, Margaret, b 1777.3,4
Thomas Prather died on 24 July 1786 at Mercer Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 28.2
Thomas Prather was buried after 24 July 1786 at Fort Harrod Pioneer Cemetery, Harrodsburg, Mercer Co., Kentucky, USA; from Find A Grave website:
Birth: Dec. 16, 1757, Frederick County, Maryland, USA
Death: Jul. 24, 1786, Mercer County, Kentucky, USA
Son of Thomas Clagett Prather & Margaret Prather. Husband of Mary Phillips. Father of Margaret, Eleanor, Stephen and Elizabeth.
Family links: Parents: Thomas Claggett Prather (1726 - 1758)
Spouse: Mary Phillips Prather (1760 - 1787)*
Margaret Prather Lilliard (1777 - 1859)*
Eleanor Louisa Prather McKinney (1780 - 1860)*
Stephen Prather (1782 - 1832)*
Burial: Fort Harrod Pioneer Cemetery, Harrodsburg, Mercer County, Kentucky, USA
Created by: Lisa
Record added: Dec 31, 2005
Find A Grave Memorial# 12834632.2

Thomas Prather left a will on 16 May 1786 at Mercer Co., Kentucky, USA; Eaklin [1983:54] says "Thomas Prather left a will 16 May 1786 in Mercert County and John Chiles, Jr. was a Witness. Several years later Thomas' daughter, Margaret, Married William Chiles."6
; per FindAGrave, oldest child, Margaret, b 1777.3,4
Thomas Prather died on 24 July 1786 at Mercer Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 28.2
Thomas Prather was buried after 24 July 1786 at Fort Harrod Pioneer Cemetery, Harrodsburg, Mercer Co., Kentucky, USA; from Find A Grave website:
Birth: Dec. 16, 1757, Frederick County, Maryland, USA
Death: Jul. 24, 1786, Mercer County, Kentucky, USA
Son of Thomas Clagett Prather & Margaret Prather. Husband of Mary Phillips. Father of Margaret, Eleanor, Stephen and Elizabeth.
Family links: Parents: Thomas Claggett Prather (1726 - 1758)
Spouse: Mary Phillips Prather (1760 - 1787)*
Margaret Prather Lilliard (1777 - 1859)*
Eleanor Louisa Prather McKinney (1780 - 1860)*
Stephen Prather (1782 - 1832)*
Burial: Fort Harrod Pioneer Cemetery, Harrodsburg, Mercer County, Kentucky, USA
Created by: Lisa
Record added: Dec 31, 2005
Find A Grave Memorial# 12834632.2

Thomas Prather left a will on 16 May 1786 at Mercer Co., Kentucky, USA; Eaklin [1983:54] says "Thomas Prather left a will 16 May 1786 in Mercert County and John Chiles, Jr. was a Witness. Several years later Thomas' daughter, Margaret, Married William Chiles."6
Family | Mary Ann Phillips b. 14 Sep 1760, d. 10 Jun 1787 |
Children |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Thomas Prather: Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Thomas Prather:
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Margaret Prather Lillard:
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Margaret Phillips Prather:
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS." - [S3186] Joanne Chiles Eakin, compiler, Walter Chiles of Jamestown (Published by the author. Printed by Wee Print, Independence, Missouri: Joanne Chiles Eakin, 1983), p. 54. Hereinafter cited as Eakin [1983] Walter Chiles of Jamestown.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Eleanor Louisa Prather McKinney:
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Col Stephen Prather:
Mary Ann Phillips1
F, #3017, b. 14 September 1760, d. 10 June 1787
Last Edited | 8 Apr 2017 |
Mary Ann Phillips was born on 14 September 1760 at Queen Anne Knolls, Prince George's Co., Maryland, USA.2 She married Thomas Prather, son of Thomas Clagett Prather and Margaret (?), before 1777
; per FindAGrave, oldest child, Margaret, b 1777.1,2
Mary Ann Phillips died on 10 June 1787 at Mercer Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 26.2
Mary Ann Phillips was buried after 10 June 1787 at Fort Harrod Pioneer Cemetery, Harrodsburg, Mercer Co., Kentucky, USA; from
Birth: Sep. 14, 1760, Queen Anne Knolls, Prince George's County, Maryland, USA
Death: Jun. 10, 1787, Mercer County, Kentucky, USA
Family links: Spouse: Thomas Prather (1757 - 1786)
Margaret Prather Lilliard (1777 - 1859)*
Eleanor Louisa Prather McKinney (1780 - 1860)*
Burial: Fort Harrod Pioneer Cemetery, Harrodsburg, Mercer County, Kentucky, USA
Created by: Perry Baker Hall
Record added: Aug 06, 2014
Find A Grave Memorial# 133968612.2
Reference: (an unknown value.)3
; per FindAGrave, oldest child, Margaret, b 1777.1,2
Mary Ann Phillips died on 10 June 1787 at Mercer Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 26.2
Mary Ann Phillips was buried after 10 June 1787 at Fort Harrod Pioneer Cemetery, Harrodsburg, Mercer Co., Kentucky, USA; from
Birth: Sep. 14, 1760, Queen Anne Knolls, Prince George's County, Maryland, USA
Death: Jun. 10, 1787, Mercer County, Kentucky, USA
Family links: Spouse: Thomas Prather (1757 - 1786)
Margaret Prather Lilliard (1777 - 1859)*
Eleanor Louisa Prather McKinney (1780 - 1860)*
Burial: Fort Harrod Pioneer Cemetery, Harrodsburg, Mercer County, Kentucky, USA
Created by: Perry Baker Hall
Record added: Aug 06, 2014
Find A Grave Memorial# 133968612.2
Reference: (an unknown value.)3
Family | Thomas Prather b. 16 Dec 1757, d. 24 Jul 1786 |
Children |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Margaret Prather Lillard: Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Margaret Phillips Prather:
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS." - [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Eleanor Louisa Prather McKinney:
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Col Stephen Prather:
James Lillard
M, #3018, d. 3 August 1837
Father | Capt. John Lillard Sr.1,2,3 b. 3 Nov 1737, d. 30 May 1801 |
Mother | Susannah Ball1,3 b. Nov 1738, d. 18 Nov 1782 |
Last Edited | 16 Nov 2017 |
James Lillard was born at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.4 He was born circa 1758.1 He married Elizabeth Moore Thomas, daughter of Capt. Robert Thomas and Anne Moore, on 18 April 1795.5,1,3
James Lillard died on 3 August 1837.5,1
; "Sheriff" per Ralph E. Lillard (see source.)4 (an unknown value.)4
In Capt. John Lillard Sr.'s will dated 24 February 1800 at Mercer Co., Kentucky, USA, James Lillard was named as an heir; Capt. John Lillard died testate and his Will, along with the Codicils to it and related account books, constitute a lengthy account of his wealth and various family relationships. His Will provides ('Will of John Lillard," February 24, 1800, (recorded Aug., 1801) Mercer County, KY, Will Book 2, pp. 260-262, Office of the County Court Clerk, Harrodsburg, KY.):
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, the Twenty fourth day of February, in the Year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred, I, John Lillard of Mercer County and State of Kentucky being of perfect and sound Mind and Memory thanks be to God for the same and knowing it is appointed of all Men once to Die, do hereby make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I Give Devise and dispose of the same in the manner & form following-
IMPRIMIS, it is my Will that in the first place all of my Just Debts and funeral charges be paid and satisfied. -
ITEM. I Give and Bequeath unto my loving wife Ann, all the whole of the property she was possessed of when I married her, also all the property that is left to her by her Father by Will or otherways, to have and to hold the same to Her, her Heirs and Assigns for Ever. The property above mentioned is to include the Household Furniture and Slaves she had when I married her, as well as the whole of what may be got of that her Father left wither it be cash, Land, Slaves or any other Property, after paying my Executors hereinafter named all and so much money as I may have expended in Law or otherways in securing the same, and further it [word omitted] my will that my said Wife Ann shall have and keep full free & peaceable Possession and the benefits & profits therefrom arising of all that part of the Tract of Land whereon I now live, Viz, Lying on the Eastern part of my Tract and to Include the Houses the Dividing line, to be along the lane as it now stands to the end from John Chiles' and thence to make the left hand fence the line to the end of my land Joining Jesse Shy, and that during her life or Widowhood if she chooses so long to live on the same, but at either of the periods of her Marriage or Removal it shall revert to my Estate and be disposed of by my Executors as herein after directed. I also give to my said Wife one Roan Mare & Sorrel Horse which came of a Roan Mare she was possessed of when I married her.
ITEM. It is my Will and I do order that the Land whereon I now live shall be sold within one Year after my decease by my Executors herein after named, Except the part I have already reserved for the use of my Wife as aforesaid, and a Credit of one Year to be given the Purchaser or Purchasers, on their giving Bond with Sufficient and Approved Security to my Executors, and at the same time shall be Sold by my said Executors, all and Singular my slaves, Household Furniture, Stock, Farming Utensils and in short all my Property of every kind I Die possessed of, which is not herein before Given or Granted, And the money arising from the Sales of the same to be Equally Divided amongst my children on the mannaer following, To wit: Nancy Lillard, Daughter of my son Thomas Lillard, which he had by his first wife and In his Stead, Elisabeth Chiles, John Lillard, Anna Pulliam, Mary McGinnis, Susanna Jones, Joseph Lillard, Ephraim Lillard, James Lillard, Patsey McGinnis, Daniel Lillard and David Lillard, so that each shall be equal, and one have as much as another. Agreeable to what they have Received Respectively, which is to be Settled according to the Accounts in a Book herewith left and inclosed, which bears date on the front Page the Twenty Second day of August, one Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety one, and wherein is Stated the different Accounts of my said Children respectfully beginning with folio or page one to Twelve both included, And I do order that my Executors do pay the several Sums which may be due the several Legatees agreeable to the Settlement of each as is before described, so that each may have an equal share at a final Settlement and that as soon as Collected for the Sales Aforesaid, and that not to exceed one Year from the time limited for said Sales. And whereas I have given my son James one Hundred & Eight Acres of Land which is now, or a part thereof- in Law now if my said son James should be evicted off the Land or part thereof It is my will & I do order that he be made equal with the rest of the Legatees by making up what may be lost as aforesaid.
ITEM. I likewise do hereby Constitute make and Ordain John Lillard, Joseph Lillard, Ephraim Lillard and Thomas Freeman my Executors of this my last Will & Testament and I do hereby disallow, revoke and disannul all former Wills, Testaments and Executors at any time before this named Willed and Bequeathed, Ratifying and allowing this and no other to be my last Will and Testament, In Witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and Seal the day and Year above written.
John Lillard (seal)
Signed Sealed and Declared by the said John Lillard to be his last Will and Testament in presence of us... )
(signed) Joseph Willis
Jonathan Jenkins
Able Jinkins.6 He was In the War of 1812, he was a sergeant in Capt. Jeremiah Brisco's Company under Colonel Samuel South. circa 1812.5
James Lillard died on 3 August 1837.5,1
; "Sheriff" per Ralph E. Lillard (see source.)4 (an unknown value.)4
In Capt. John Lillard Sr.'s will dated 24 February 1800 at Mercer Co., Kentucky, USA, James Lillard was named as an heir; Capt. John Lillard died testate and his Will, along with the Codicils to it and related account books, constitute a lengthy account of his wealth and various family relationships. His Will provides ('Will of John Lillard," February 24, 1800, (recorded Aug., 1801) Mercer County, KY, Will Book 2, pp. 260-262, Office of the County Court Clerk, Harrodsburg, KY.):
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, the Twenty fourth day of February, in the Year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred, I, John Lillard of Mercer County and State of Kentucky being of perfect and sound Mind and Memory thanks be to God for the same and knowing it is appointed of all Men once to Die, do hereby make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I Give Devise and dispose of the same in the manner & form following-
IMPRIMIS, it is my Will that in the first place all of my Just Debts and funeral charges be paid and satisfied. -
ITEM. I Give and Bequeath unto my loving wife Ann, all the whole of the property she was possessed of when I married her, also all the property that is left to her by her Father by Will or otherways, to have and to hold the same to Her, her Heirs and Assigns for Ever. The property above mentioned is to include the Household Furniture and Slaves she had when I married her, as well as the whole of what may be got of that her Father left wither it be cash, Land, Slaves or any other Property, after paying my Executors hereinafter named all and so much money as I may have expended in Law or otherways in securing the same, and further it [word omitted] my will that my said Wife Ann shall have and keep full free & peaceable Possession and the benefits & profits therefrom arising of all that part of the Tract of Land whereon I now live, Viz, Lying on the Eastern part of my Tract and to Include the Houses the Dividing line, to be along the lane as it now stands to the end from John Chiles' and thence to make the left hand fence the line to the end of my land Joining Jesse Shy, and that during her life or Widowhood if she chooses so long to live on the same, but at either of the periods of her Marriage or Removal it shall revert to my Estate and be disposed of by my Executors as herein after directed. I also give to my said Wife one Roan Mare & Sorrel Horse which came of a Roan Mare she was possessed of when I married her.
ITEM. It is my Will and I do order that the Land whereon I now live shall be sold within one Year after my decease by my Executors herein after named, Except the part I have already reserved for the use of my Wife as aforesaid, and a Credit of one Year to be given the Purchaser or Purchasers, on their giving Bond with Sufficient and Approved Security to my Executors, and at the same time shall be Sold by my said Executors, all and Singular my slaves, Household Furniture, Stock, Farming Utensils and in short all my Property of every kind I Die possessed of, which is not herein before Given or Granted, And the money arising from the Sales of the same to be Equally Divided amongst my children on the mannaer following, To wit: Nancy Lillard, Daughter of my son Thomas Lillard, which he had by his first wife and In his Stead, Elisabeth Chiles, John Lillard, Anna Pulliam, Mary McGinnis, Susanna Jones, Joseph Lillard, Ephraim Lillard, James Lillard, Patsey McGinnis, Daniel Lillard and David Lillard, so that each shall be equal, and one have as much as another. Agreeable to what they have Received Respectively, which is to be Settled according to the Accounts in a Book herewith left and inclosed, which bears date on the front Page the Twenty Second day of August, one Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety one, and wherein is Stated the different Accounts of my said Children respectfully beginning with folio or page one to Twelve both included, And I do order that my Executors do pay the several Sums which may be due the several Legatees agreeable to the Settlement of each as is before described, so that each may have an equal share at a final Settlement and that as soon as Collected for the Sales Aforesaid, and that not to exceed one Year from the time limited for said Sales. And whereas I have given my son James one Hundred & Eight Acres of Land which is now, or a part thereof- in Law now if my said son James should be evicted off the Land or part thereof It is my will & I do order that he be made equal with the rest of the Legatees by making up what may be lost as aforesaid.
ITEM. I likewise do hereby Constitute make and Ordain John Lillard, Joseph Lillard, Ephraim Lillard and Thomas Freeman my Executors of this my last Will & Testament and I do hereby disallow, revoke and disannul all former Wills, Testaments and Executors at any time before this named Willed and Bequeathed, Ratifying and allowing this and no other to be my last Will and Testament, In Witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and Seal the day and Year above written.
John Lillard (seal)
Signed Sealed and Declared by the said John Lillard to be his last Will and Testament in presence of us... )
(signed) Joseph Willis
Jonathan Jenkins
Able Jinkins.6 He was In the War of 1812, he was a sergeant in Capt. Jeremiah Brisco's Company under Colonel Samuel South. circa 1812.5
Family | Elizabeth Moore Thomas |
Children |
- [S2696] William Atkinson Young, "The Illinois Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Application #69726 (Nat'l) - 4108 (State) Capt. John Lillard", Massachusetts Society #4108, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "SAR Application #69726 Capt John Lillard."
- [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online, Capt John H Lillard: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Family Trees.
- [S414] DAR Application No. 315355 Capt, John Lillard (1737-1801), Arkansas Soc., Centennial Chapter, Application and supporting documents. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #315355 John LILLARD.
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS." - [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 852. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., pp. 795-797.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., p. 853.
Elizabeth Moore Thomas
F, #3019
Father | Capt. Robert Thomas |
Mother | Anne Moore |
Last Edited | 16 Nov 2017 |
Elizabeth Moore Thomas married James Lillard, son of Capt. John Lillard Sr. and Susannah Ball, on 18 April 1795.1,2,3
(an unknown value.)4
(an unknown value.)4
Family | James Lillard d. 3 Aug 1837 |
Children |
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 852. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S2696] William Atkinson Young, "The Illinois Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Application #69726 (Nat'l) - 4108 (State) Capt. John Lillard", Massachusetts Society #4108, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "SAR Application #69726 Capt John Lillard."
- [S414] DAR Application No. 315355 Capt, John Lillard (1737-1801), Arkansas Soc., Centennial Chapter, Application and supporting documents. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #315355 John LILLARD.
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS." - [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., p. 853.
Capt. Robert Thomas
M, #3020
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Family | Anne Moore |
Child |
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 852. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
Anne Moore
F, #3021
Father | Col. Francis Moore1 |
Last Edited | 7 Jun 2002 |
Family | Capt. Robert Thomas |
Child |
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 852. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., p. 852.
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
Mary (Polly) Spencer
F, #3022, b. 15 December 1782, d. 1 April 1824
Father | Col. Joseph Dyke Spencer b. 1739, d. 1829 |
Mother | Sarah N. Moore b. 1746, d. 1824 |
Last Edited | 16 Nov 2017 |
Mary (Polly) Spencer was born on 15 December 1782 at Orange Co., Virginia, USA; FindAGrave says b. 1785.1,2,3 She married Rev. David Lillard, son of Capt. John Lillard Sr. and Susannah Ball, on 10 December 1801.4,5,6,3,7
Mary (Polly) Spencer died on 1 April 1824 at Napoleon, Gallatin Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 41.1
Mary (Polly) Spencer was buried after 1 April 1824 at Ten Mile Cemetery, Napoleon, Gallatin Co., Kentucky, USA; from
Birth: 1785, Virginia, USA
Death: Apr. 1, 1824, Gallatin County, Kentucky, USA
Family links: Spouse: David Lillard (1782 - 1861)
Joseph S Lillard (1804 - 1861)*
James M Lillard (1806 - 1896)*
Jeremiah Vardiman Lillard (1808 - 1863)*
David Spencer Lillard (1810 - 1896)*
Thomas M. Lillard (1817 - 1844)*
Artemesia Graves Lillard Green Turley (1817 - 1897)*
Burial: Ten Mile Cemetery, Napoleon, Gallatin County, Kentucky, USA
Created by: GenealogyGirl
Record added: Mar 06, 2010
Find A Grave Memorial# 49277157.3
(an unknown value.)8,1
; Lillard [1991, p. 859]: "Mary (Spencer) Lillard was said to have been quite a literary genius as a young lady. She wrote a number of poems narrating the important events of the day and time, and was especially fond of ridiculing in rhyme the Tories and British. She was a charming hostess even before her marriage and ranked as one of the most accomplished women of the state.9
Mary (Polly) Spencer died on 1 April 1824 at Napoleon, Gallatin Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 41.1
Mary (Polly) Spencer was buried after 1 April 1824 at Ten Mile Cemetery, Napoleon, Gallatin Co., Kentucky, USA; from
Birth: 1785, Virginia, USA
Death: Apr. 1, 1824, Gallatin County, Kentucky, USA
Family links: Spouse: David Lillard (1782 - 1861)
Joseph S Lillard (1804 - 1861)*
James M Lillard (1806 - 1896)*
Jeremiah Vardiman Lillard (1808 - 1863)*
David Spencer Lillard (1810 - 1896)*
Thomas M. Lillard (1817 - 1844)*
Artemesia Graves Lillard Green Turley (1817 - 1897)*
Burial: Ten Mile Cemetery, Napoleon, Gallatin County, Kentucky, USA
Created by: GenealogyGirl
Record added: Mar 06, 2010
Find A Grave Memorial# 49277157.3
(an unknown value.)8,1
; Lillard [1991, p. 859]: "Mary (Spencer) Lillard was said to have been quite a literary genius as a young lady. She wrote a number of poems narrating the important events of the day and time, and was especially fond of ridiculing in rhyme the Tories and British. She was a charming hostess even before her marriage and ranked as one of the most accomplished women of the state.9
Family | Rev. David Lillard b. 18 Nov 1782, d. 30 Jan 1861 |
Children |
- [S464] DAR Application No. 751812: descendant of Capt. John LILLARD Sr., unknown series. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #751812 John LILLARD Sr.
- [S414] DAR Application No. 315355 Capt, John Lillard (1737-1801), Arkansas Soc., Centennial Chapter. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #315355 John LILLARD.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Mary "Polly" Spencer Lillard: Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments, Gives names of three spouses (Mary Spencer, Ann Sheperd, Elizabeth Franks) and dates of marriage (12/10/1801, 9/27/1824, 03/03/1859, respectively).. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS." - [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 858. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Rev David Lillard:
- [S414] DAR App #315355 John LILLARD, Application and supporting documents.
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., p. 859.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., p. 861.
Col. Joseph Dyke Spencer1
M, #3023, b. 1739, d. 1829
Last Edited | 17 Nov 2017 |
Col. Joseph Dyke Spencer was born in 1739 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA; NSDAR Lineage Book Volume 164:1921, p. 146: Mrs. Lula B. Lillard Ford #163461: b. 1745.2,3 He married Sarah N. Moore, daughter of Col. Francis Moore, in 1771.1,3
Col. Joseph Dyke Spencer died in 1829 at Pendleton Co., Kentucky, USA.3
Col. Joseph Dyke Spencer began military service From NSDAR Lineage Book Volume 164:1921, p. 146: Mrs. Lula B. Lillard Ford #163461: "Joseph Spencer (1745-1829) received a pension for service as captain in the 7th Virginia regiment commanded by Col. Alexander McClenachan and as lieutenant colonel of militia. He was born in Culpeper County, Va.; died in Pendleton County, Ky."3
.4 As of circa 1776, Col. Joseph Dyke Spencer lived at an unknown place ; Lillard [1991, p. 859]: "Col. Joseph Spencer was born in Virginia in 1739, after his father emigrated from England to Virginia. Col. Spencer commanded a regiment of Colonial troops and served with distinction in many of the battles against the British in the Revolutionary War. Col. Joseph Spencer and his wife were two of the original members of the Ten Mil Baptist Church when it was formed in 1804.2
Col. Joseph Dyke Spencer died in 1829 at Pendleton Co., Kentucky, USA.3
Col. Joseph Dyke Spencer began military service From NSDAR Lineage Book Volume 164:1921, p. 146: Mrs. Lula B. Lillard Ford #163461: "Joseph Spencer (1745-1829) received a pension for service as captain in the 7th Virginia regiment commanded by Col. Alexander McClenachan and as lieutenant colonel of militia. He was born in Culpeper County, Va.; died in Pendleton County, Ky."3
.4 As of circa 1776, Col. Joseph Dyke Spencer lived at an unknown place ; Lillard [1991, p. 859]: "Col. Joseph Spencer was born in Virginia in 1739, after his father emigrated from England to Virginia. Col. Spencer commanded a regiment of Colonial troops and served with distinction in many of the battles against the British in the Revolutionary War. Col. Joseph Spencer and his wife were two of the original members of the Ten Mil Baptist Church when it was formed in 1804.2
Family | Sarah N. Moore b. 1746, d. 1824 |
Child |
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 858. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., p. 859.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, NSDAR Lineage Book Volume 164:1921, p. 146: Mrs. Lula B. Lillard Ford #163461, seen on on 17 Nov 2017 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
Sarah N. Moore
F, #3024, b. 1746, d. 1824
Father | Col. Francis Moore1 |
Last Edited | 17 Nov 2017 |
Sarah N. Moore was born in 1746.2 She married Col. Joseph Dyke Spencer in 1771.3,2
Sarah N. Moore died in 1824.2
; Lillard [1991, p. 859]: Sarah (Moore) Spencer was the daughter of Colonel Francis Moore of Orange County, Virginia, and a sister of Capt. John Lillard's second wife, Anne (Moore) Thomas.4
Sarah N. Moore died in 1824.2
; Lillard [1991, p. 859]: Sarah (Moore) Spencer was the daughter of Colonel Francis Moore of Orange County, Virginia, and a sister of Capt. John Lillard's second wife, Anne (Moore) Thomas.4
Family | Col. Joseph Dyke Spencer b. 1739, d. 1829 |
Child |
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 859. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, NSDAR Lineage Book Volume 164:1921, p. 146: Mrs. Lula B. Lillard Ford #163461, seen on on 17 Nov 2017 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., p. 858.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., p. 859.
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
Ann Sheperd
F, #3025
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Ann Sheperd married Rev. David Lillard, son of Capt. John Lillard Sr. and Susannah Ball, on 27 September 1824.
(an unknown value.)1
(an unknown value.)1
Family | Rev. David Lillard b. 18 Nov 1782, d. 30 Jan 1861 |
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
Elizabeth Franks
F, #3026
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Elizabeth Franks married Rev. David Lillard, son of Capt. John Lillard Sr. and Susannah Ball, on 3 March 1859.1
(an unknown value.)2
; "Widow NC" per Ralph E. Lillard (see source.)2
(an unknown value.)2
; "Widow NC" per Ralph E. Lillard (see source.)2
Family | Rev. David Lillard b. 18 Nov 1782, d. 30 Jan 1861 |
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 858. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
Sarah (Sally) Gates
F, #3027, d. circa 1843
Last Edited | 16 Nov 2017 |
Marriage banns for Sarah (Sally) Gates and Daniel Lillard were published on 22 November 1801.1 Sarah (Sally) Gates married Daniel Lillard, son of Capt. John Lillard Sr. and Susannah Ball, after 22 November 1801.2
Sarah (Sally) Gates died circa 1843 at Kenton Co., Kentucky, USA.1
(an unknown value.)3
Sarah (Sally) Gates died circa 1843 at Kenton Co., Kentucky, USA.1
(an unknown value.)3
Family | Daniel Lillard d. 1810 |
Children |
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 857. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S414] DAR Application No. 315355 Capt, John Lillard (1737-1801), Arkansas Soc., Centennial Chapter, Application and supporting documents. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #315355 John LILLARD.
- [S397] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8, rec'd 2 April 1994
also DAR Application No. 315355 (Katherine Elizabeth McGinnis Pieper), filed Oct. 12th, 1939, descendant of Captain John Lillard." (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS." - [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., p. 858.
Robert Blackwell
M, #3028
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Family | |
Child |
- [S398] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8-3, rec'd 2 April 1994" (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
Minerva J. Lillard
F, #3029, b. 1816, d. 19 August 1855
Father | James Lillard d. 3 Aug 1837 |
Mother | Elizabeth Moore Thomas |
Last Edited | 17 Nov 2017 |
Minerva J. Lillard was born in 1816 at Kentucky, USA.1,2 She married General Christopher C. Lillard, son of Capt. John Lillard Jr. and Aggah (Agnes) Chiles, on 16 August 1835
; His 2nd wife. Christopher and Minerva were 1st cousins.3,4
Minerva J. Lillard died on 19 August 1855 at Lawrenceburg, Franklin Co. (now Anderson Co.), Kentucky, USA; died of cholera - Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1964
Name: Menerva J Lillard
Gender: Female
Death Age: 40
Birth Date: abt 1815
Birth Place: Mercer
Residence Place: Anderson
Death Date: 19 Aug 1855
Death Place: Kentucky, USA
Father: James Lillard
Source Information: Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1964 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.
Original data:
Kentucky. Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records – Microfilm (1852-1910). Microfilm rolls #994027-994058. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.
Kentucky. Birth and Death Records: Covington, Lexington, Louisville, and Newport – Microfilm (before 1911). Microfilm rolls #7007125-7007131, 7011804-7011813, 7012974-7013570, 7015456-7015462. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.
Kentucky. Vital Statistics Original Death Certificates – Microfilm (1911-1964). Microfilm rolls #7016130-7041803. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.5,3,6
(an unknown value.)5
Minerva J. Lillard and General Christopher C. Lillard appeared in the census of 8 August 1850 at Anderson Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 197B-198A, lines 42 & 1-5, Dwelling 122, Family 122
42 LILLARD, Christopher 54 [1796] M Farmer $24,300 KY
1 " , Minerva J. 34 [1816] F KY
2 " , Ann E. 18 [1832] F KY
3 " , Sarah P. 9 [1841] F KY
4 " , Minerva C. 6 [1844] F KY
5 " , Alma T. 2 [1848] F KY.2

; His 2nd wife. Christopher and Minerva were 1st cousins.3,4
Minerva J. Lillard died on 19 August 1855 at Lawrenceburg, Franklin Co. (now Anderson Co.), Kentucky, USA; died of cholera - Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1964
Name: Menerva J Lillard
Gender: Female
Death Age: 40
Birth Date: abt 1815
Birth Place: Mercer
Residence Place: Anderson
Death Date: 19 Aug 1855
Death Place: Kentucky, USA
Father: James Lillard
Source Information: Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1964 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.
Original data:
Kentucky. Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records – Microfilm (1852-1910). Microfilm rolls #994027-994058. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.
Kentucky. Birth and Death Records: Covington, Lexington, Louisville, and Newport – Microfilm (before 1911). Microfilm rolls #7007125-7007131, 7011804-7011813, 7012974-7013570, 7015456-7015462. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.
Kentucky. Vital Statistics Original Death Certificates – Microfilm (1911-1964). Microfilm rolls #7016130-7041803. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.5,3,6

(an unknown value.)5
Minerva J. Lillard and General Christopher C. Lillard appeared in the census of 8 August 1850 at Anderson Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 197B-198A, lines 42 & 1-5, Dwelling 122, Family 122
42 LILLARD, Christopher 54 [1796] M Farmer $24,300 KY
1 " , Minerva J. 34 [1816] F KY
2 " , Ann E. 18 [1832] F KY
3 " , Sarah P. 9 [1841] F KY
4 " , Minerva C. 6 [1844] F KY
5 " , Alma T. 2 [1848] F KY.2

Family | General Christopher C. Lillard b. 19 Jul 1795, d. 17 Aug 1855 |
Children |
- [S3107] Jr. John Felix Shouse, "The South Carolina Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Application #91543 (Nat'l) - 1098 (SC State) Captain John Lillard", South Carolina Society #1098, SAR application seen on on 22 April 2015 at, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "SAR Application #91543 Capt John Lillard."
- [S3106] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census KY Anderson Co, Source Citation - Year: 1850; Census Place: Anderson, Kentucky; Roll: M432_190; Page: 197B-198A; Image: 402 - [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 875. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, NSDAR Lineage Book Volume 137:1917-1918, pp. 257: Mrs. Christine Felix Shouse #1368144, seen on on 17 Nov 2017 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S398] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8-3, rec'd 2 April 1994" (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Death record seen on on 8 April 2017 at:
Image: - [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., p. 877.
- [S3107] Jr. John Felix Shouse, "SAR Application #91543 Capt John Lillard", SAR Application seen on on 8 April 2017 at:
Edward Mountjoy
M, #3030
Last Edited | 6 Aug 2019 |
Family | |
Child |
- [S398] Ralph E. Lillard, "per family group sheet F 1-1-8-3, rec'd 2 April 1994" (Route 2, Box 147, Benton, TN 37307, Tel. 615-338-5777). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Ralph E. Lillard FGS."
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard: A Family of Colonial Virginia, 2nd edition, 2 Volumes (275 W Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991), p. 879. Hereinafter cited as Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed.
- [S1370] Jr. David Hicks Lillard, Lillard [1991], Lillard of Col. VA, 2nd ed., p. 879.